mardi 5 décembre 2017

Problem or opportunity? We only see and measure 4% of our reality


This physicist does not dream about having a new law about the workings of the universe named after him. Nor about that ultimate equation that will solve the mysteries of humankind. He doesn’t even think that such a law or equation exists. Still, his work could have a deeper impact on the way we live our lives than anything that came before him.

Here’s the problem: The proud discoveries of Western science over the past 400 years—starting with René Descartes and Isaac Newton—deal with only 4 percent of our reality. Yes, according to the latest calculations, only 4 percent of the universe’s mass-energy is occupied by atomic matter and electromagnetic energy. That is, by stuff we can see and/or measure. That leaves 96 percent, vaguely described as “dark matter,” that we don’t understand and cannot explain. However, is it realistic to assume that that 96 percent has no influence on our lives? Four decades of research have convinced Yury Kronn, now 81, that everything is determined by the unknown, little-understood energies of that 96 percent of our reality.

His experiments provide convincing evidence but lack any reasonable connection with the current paradigm of mainstream science, and thus are mostly dismissed if not ridiculed. Yet the future health of the earth and of her human inhabitants may very well depend on his findings.

The story begins in 1976, behind the Iron Curtain in Moscow. Yury Kronn is working as a physicist at the Institute of Radiotechnics and Electronics at the Academy of Sciences and about to finish his dissertation, “Resonant Non-linear Interactions of Light with Matter.” A colleague tells him about experiments that are being done at the institute with two women who have paranormal capabilities. The women have demonstrated the ability to move objects or the needle of a compass with their minds and read texts hidden under iron plates.

Kronn decides to witness the experiments—“They were happening at my institute, and I didn’t know anything about it”—a decision that will forever change his life. With his own eyes, he sees things that have no place in his physicist’s mind. “I was shocked. That night I couldn’t sleep. This is not logical—impossible, I said to myself. I’m a scientist. Ultimately, I needed to admit that what I saw with my own eyes were facts,” he says.

His next decision is one for the bravest in science. Instead of dismissing the “crazy” facts that don’t fit his scientific paradigm—as most often happens—Kronn decides to investigate. “You shouldn’t deny it just because you cannot explain it,” he says, looking back. His investigations—always a challenge during the Soviet era, with no easy access to foreign literature—lead to a very different world: the ancient texts of China and India that describe chi and prana as the “life force” of the universe, a force that unites energy as we know it in the West with spirit energy and consciousness. Kronn learns that ancient sages have always taught that the life force is the driving and organizing force of the whole universe and thus vitally important for the human being, as it permeates every cell and tissue of the living body. He reads about chakras, acupunctural meridians and mantras—“things that I had, of course, no idea about. My thought was: If this immeasurable force exists, can we use modern technology to harness it and thus establish a bridge between ancient and modern perception of the world we live in?”

The journey into this new world gradually alienated Kronn from the Soviet Union. In the early eighties, together with ten other Russian scientists, he organized the “Trust Group” movement to foster trust and promote peace between the Soviet Union and the West. He chaired the Disarmament Section of the first Moscow International Symposium for Humanitarian Problems in 1987. Although Mikhail Gorbachev had launched his perestroika by then, his activities were monitored and viewed with suspicion, and in 1988 he was informed that he had “received an invitation to go to the United States.”

Kronn was happy to leave the Soviet Union. For the past 12 years, he has been living and working in Medford, Oregon, where he continues a very active research and experimentation program, adding more and more evidence that subtle energy—the emerging term for the “mysterious” 96 percent of our reality—“contains the software of life. We can’t see it. We can’t measure it. But we know it’s there, because we can observe the effects of subtle energy on inanimate matter and living organisms. It has continuous, everyday influence on everything,” he says.

Yet the mainstream view in science still holds that so-called dark energy has nothing to do with our lives because it does not interact with electrically charged particles (electrons, ions) or with electromagnetic fields. It only interacts with some strange subatomic particles that don’t affect us, as Kronn says of the predominant view. When Yale astrophysicist Meg Urry said in 2007 that “the discovery of ‘dark energy’ is arguably the most important scientific breakthrough of the last 50 years,” she was viciously attacked by her colleagues.

“Mainstream science,” Kronn says, “doesn’t want to look at it and dismisses as pseudoscience everybody and anything that tries to investigate and explain. That’s a huge mistake.”

Kronn uses a metaphor to explain the existence and impact of subtle energy. If we were to ask fish what the key ingredient for their lives is, they would answer: “Water.” However, in reality, it is the oxygen dissolved in the water—the oxygen they can’t see or taste—that is fundamental to their lives. In the same way, Kronn argues, subtle energy—and not whatever we measure in that tiny 4 percent of our reality—is the key force of life.

The most mysterious property of subtle energy is that it interacts with consciousness. The human mind is capable of directing subtle energy and commanding it to do what we want. Hence, the women moving the objects. Such phenomena can be witnessed, but it’s hard to turn them into scientific experiments. However, experiments in China provided clear and convincing scientific evidence of the impact of subtle energy on matter.

In the 1980s, a team of Chinese physicists did a series of experiments with Dr. Yan Xin, a qigong master and medical doctor who graduated from a school of traditional Chinese medicine in 1977. Yan’s medical practice focused primarily on projecting qi (chi) energy to his patients to achieve healing, and he enjoyed impressive results. To test his abilities, the physicists designed a test. They asked Dr. Yan to direct his chi energy toward a radioactive substance, americium-241, which has a half-life of 458 years and emits alpha particles as it decays. The half-life is the length of time it takes for half of the atoms in the sample to decay. According to science, the decay rate is a constant governed by one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, the weak force.

However, in some 50 separate experiments conducted with the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, Dr. Yan showed that he could slow down or speed up the decay rate on request. Yan directed chi at the radioactive material from various distances—from the next room, ten yards away, to 100 yards away, or even from 1,200 miles away. Distance played no role. He succeeded in raising the decay rate by an average of 9.5 percent and lowering it by 11.3 percent.

Kronn says, “It is important to note that neither electrical nor magnetic fields, no matter how strong, can influence the decay rate of radioactive elements.” But Yan’s chi does modify the characteristic behavior of matter. “The only logical conclusion is that chi interacts with the particles that make protons and neutrons, quarks or the even tinier particles, subquarks, that make quarks,” says Kronn. “It means that chi or subtle energy belongs to and acts in the subatomic world. It also means that subtle energy is a fifth force next to the four fundamental forces known to science—electromagnetic, gravitational, strong and weak forces.”

An article about the extraordinary results of the experiments by Dr. Yan Xin was published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration in 2002. Kronn says, “Unfortunately, the mainstream scientific community totally ignored this outstanding research that, if analyzed, could open new horizons for science.”

If atoms are influenced by subtle energy, one would expect there to be an impact on living organisms as well. That research has been done by Professor Joie Jones (1941–2013) at the University of California, Irvine. Beginning in the mid-nineties, Jones spent ten years investigating the effects of “pranic healing,” practiced by healers using techniques established in China and India thousands of years ago. In his lab, Jones exposed cell cultures in petri dishes to gamma radiation, which has been shown to severely damage the DNA of cells; the normal survival rate of cells under the established dosage of gamma rays was 50 percent. When specially designed subtle energy patterns were added to the culture, they had a survival rate of 92 percent. “If subtle energy is able to restore cells after this kind of damage,” Kronn explains, “we can understand why traditional Eastern medicine called this energy the ‘life force.’”

The research by Professor Jones gives credibility to the positive experiences many people have with “inexplicable” healing—energy medicine—methods like reiki and touch for health. It can also explain why, as experiments show, prayer supports healing; why the energy in acupuncture points on the body is measurably different from the energy in the surrounding skin; and why homeopathy works. All these healing approaches are based on forces that modern science cannot see or measure. Kronn says, “But we can observe the effects, and there are a lot of people who can see auras and who can feel the energy. These healers know how to use subtle energy. Moreover, people can learn to develop the same sensitivity.”

We’re sitting in Kronn’s lab, located at an isolated property outside Medford. Around us are beautiful mountains and peaceful forests. On Kronn’s research team are two fellow Russian scientists, Galina Kalyuzhny and Igor Nazarov; the three of them have known one another for decades. In the hall next to the lab, Nazarov and Kronn play table tennis—a game that the elder Kronn most often wins, displaying the age-defying, creative and versatile energy that drives his research as well.

Kronn likes to describe himself as “a scientist of the new paradigm.” It’s a fascinating paradigm where the worlds of spirituality and science meet. Forward-thinking physicists like Fritjof Capra have written books—The Tao of Physics—on this emerging trend. Conferences have been organized around the marriage of these two worlds. But here in the forests of Oregon, a real bridge between the new age and the new science is being built under the inspiring leadership of a Russian scientist who today is as much a meditator as a physicist.

In the past 20 years, in addition to modern science methodologies, Kronn has attracted to his work several gifted energy healers. This has allowed him to develop features in his technology that the rational mind cannot fathom. Imagine the following sequence of events: Kronn goes with his “recorder” to a waterfall and he makes a recording. He is not using the microphone or the camera, not recording sounds or images—the 4 percent we can all see and hear. He’s recording the 96 percent we don’t see. Subsequently he transfers his recording to a bottle of water, much like a bottle of homeopathic medicine.
Now we are entering a strange, vague world. How do we know that Kronn was able to record the waterfall? And what did he record? And how are we to believe that the “waterfall” is now in the bottle?

This is where one of Kronn’s close collaborators, Boston-based intuitive healer and scientist Laura Graye, comes in. Kronn presents her with 20 bottles of water. In one of them is the waterfall. In another is a symphony orchestra. In yet another is the recording of a prayer or an energy to fight pain or promote relaxation. The bottles are numbered 1 through 20. Graye holds one randomly chosen bottle in her hand. She has no idea which phenomena or patterns Kronn has been recording. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and says: “I feel water hitting rock. Heavy water, dropping. It’s a large waterfall.”

Luck? Well, Graye was 95 percent accurate in this experiment with 20 bottles—she missed only one. The chances of lucking into that result are obviously minuscule. Moreover, Kronn and Graye, who have been working closely for years, have lots of similar anecdotes to share. And Graye is not the only intuitive Kronn is successfully working with. In modern science, there are no reference points for these experiences. However, ancient Chinese and Indian medicine practitioners were perfectly aware of the importance of this energy for the health of people—that is why they developed healing methods such as acupuncture, and energy techniques like tai chi and qigong for regulating the energy flow in the body. They used their understanding of the world of subtle energy to heal their people and their lands. And that’s exactly the mission of Yury Kronn.

“There is a new paradigm emerging in many branches of science and medicine, and the evidence obtained from research and experimentation across many fields points to the fact that there are immeasurable energies we can observe only by their effects on matter, including the matter we are composed of,” Kronn says. He’s already recorded and generated hundreds of energies or patterns to support healing of all kinds of ailments and diseases. And he does the research to prove that the healing indeed happens.

Back to the lab of Professor Joie Jones in Irvine, where the experiments with gamma rays were conducted. The question arose: Could healing properties as developed and processed by Kronn produce the same results as the healers achieved? The answer: yes. But Jones and Kronn also faced a strange phenomenon: the results could be replicated in several labs, yet at some labs they would never work. Kronn recalls, “We had no clue. Everything was the same except for the results. In these labs we could not protect the cell cultures against gamma radiation.” What was different in the labs where the healing didn’t work? At some point the two scientists discovered that these labs were also used for experiments with dead animals. Could it be that they were “polluted” by the negative energy of death?

Kronn set out to develop a specific energy pattern, a spray called Clean Sweep, to “clean” the labs. After that pattern was applied, the experiments in those labs produced exactly the same results as in the normal labs. The tests have been replicated and well documented—Kronn is still the rigorous scientist he was trained to be, despite the fact that he now operates in a domain that science does not recognize.

The energy patterns that Kronn records and generates are based on real-life phenomena—from waterfalls to atoms. However, these real-life elements are not identifiable in the water solutions that he subsequently creates. The bottles of water, with their distinctly different energy “patterns,” all have an identical chemical content: water. That’s why Kronn talks about “phantom atoms.” The atoms are not there, but their impact is. This gives him a big advantage. For example, lithium is used in modern medicine as a strong antidepressant. However, lithium also has a significant negative effect on the liver. Kronn’s phantom atoms can replace chemical elements used for treatments and thus avoid the negative side effects.

It’s even possible to technologically capture and reproduce the “intent” of the human mind, much like the well-known pictures of frozen water molecules influenced by different kinds of music or thoughts that were produced by the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto (see The pictures show very different patterns forming in the same water.

The same happens with Kronn’s experiments: different patterns lead to different results. In 2009, he did a test with an organic grower of wheatgrass. Half of the grower’s seedlings were given water infused with a special pattern based on energies of composts and soil activators. As a result, the treated wheatgrass showed a 10 percent increase in growth rate and produced 60 percent more juice than the untreated control group. The juice of the treated wheatgrass also tasted sweeter but had a lower sugar content. Kronn explains, “Chemically, there’s no difference between patterns, but cells growing in infused and non-infused substances grow differently.”

In another study, Kronn developed a stress relief pattern that was tested on mice by Professor Simons Svirskis at Riga Stradins University, in Latvia. Half the mice were fed the stress relief infusion; the control group didn’t get the formula. Both groups were exposed to a standard stress test: five minutes swimming in a high-sided container. Subsequently, the mice underwent a so-called open-field test where their movements were tracked. The mice drinking the stress relief pattern dramatically outperformed the control group—the difference in movement exceeded 500 percent. This shows, according to Kronn, that the stress relief formula “effectively normalizes the adaptive response to stress and reduces the impact of fear.”

The same stress relief formula was tested on humans in the BioEnergiMed Metabolic Institute in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania, by Dr. Jeffrey Marrongelle. He did heart-rate variability tests and found that the formula, in Kronn’s words, “really calms down the sympathetic nervous system and balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.” Kronn’s treatment of the negative effects of cell phone radiation provides another interesting example.

It’s possible to create very specific healing patterns for very specific situations. Kronn recalls that one of his collaborators once visited his lab with swollen and inflamed gums that caused substantial pain in her mouth. Kronn decided to work on a remedy on the spot. He experimented for a few hours, and at some point the healer reported, “This is exactly right. Let me sit with this energy for a few minutes.” Ten minutes later her gums were normal. The pattern “healthy mouth” is still used by Kronn and his team. “Some patterns have a pretty wide spectrum and will work for many people. We focus our efforts on such patterns,” says Kronn. “But in energy medicine, one size doesn’t always fit all, and other patterns can be very specific and may just work for one person.”

The subtle energy field is further challenged by the fact that the human being is part of the process. “If you are recording a waterfall while you are thinking about the quarrel with your wife,” he says, “you will be recording the quarrel with your wife, much like the energy of dead animals in Professor Jones’s lab distorted the impact of healing patterns. Your own energy will distort the energy pattern you are recording. Similarly, if you repeat an experiment and you don’t want it to work, then it won’t. Or, when one of my collaborators has a ‘bad—out-of-tune—day,’ we can’t accurately test energy patterns. We need to learn a lot more to get this technology right. It is so not simple.”

That high level of individuality also explains why Kronn is absolutely convinced that there is no law or equation that will ultimately capture the field of subtle energy. “How can you find a general equation for phenomena that interact with individual consciousness? We know where all these famous equations of physics come from: from experiments done in a vacuum excluding the impact of all other energy. You can’t squeeze God in a vacuum.”

Still, there are limitless possibilities in a world that cries for healing on so many levels. Literally limitless. Free energy devices that keep showing up around the world from time to time are, in Kronn’s view, able to access the subtle energy field. Kronn also believes that inexplicable wonders of history—the pyramids, Stonehenge—can only be explained by the fact that ancient people knew how to operate the subtle energy field. It allowed them to work in harmony with the fundamental forces of nature in ways that are not accessible to modern people.

“It is absolutely necessary to understand and work with this energy,” Kronn says. “It is the life force. We are creating electromagnetic, environmental and chemical pollution at an unprecedented scale that is very harmful to this force, to the fabric of life. We need to realize the existence of this force. The world cannot survive if we don’t get this to work.”

But the world of subtle energy is complex. “You can also record negative intentions that can harm people. The only protection is that the creator of these harmful energies will be impacted as well,” says Kronn. But that’s hardly a consolation in an era of suicide bombers. However, Kronn is optimistic. He sees the discovery of the workings of subtle energy being much aligned with increasing consciousness. In his view, a higher level of consciousness is necessary to understanding subtle energy, and that higher level of consciousness should protect its use, as it affects all life.

The health care industry, which is wrecking government budgets around the world, is a prime candidate for opening up to the application of energy medicine driven by a better understanding of subtle energies. Kronn argues, “How can you create a real health industry if you don’t know that there’s an energy which influences your health along with all the chemistry we are using? Every pill only affects the 4 percent; real healing happens in the 96 percent.” Or as Kronn’s collaborator Laura Graye says, “In every health decision we make, we miss 96 percent of the information.”

Across the road from the Vital Force Technology office in Medford, there’s a large facility for the rehabilitation of U.S. Army veterans. People come here to be treated for stress and trauma—disorders that are notoriously hard to treat. Yury Kronn stands ready to cross the road and knock on doors to share the results of his recent experiments with stressed mice. He’s sure he can help many veterans with his findings, in a cheap and efficient way. But as close as the veterans’ facility is, on the other side of the road is a different world, one that is not ready to welcome new opportunities to help people, even if there’s no risk of any harm.

Kronn sometimes shrugs his shoulders when he talks about the many opportunities science misses by not trying, not investigating. For him there’s no need to wait until science can prove how subtle energy works. We cannot explain what happens in the field of subtle energy, but we can observe experimental facts and we can scientifically prove these. We can show that energy patterns change blood analysis, heart-rate variability or brain waves.

“We can record and reproduce energetic formulas that then can be used forever,” he continues. “We can record the best healers, and their energies can be used for millions of people for generations to come. In the past, the Chinese could not record their qigong masters and spread their power around the world. Modern technology helps us now. And mainstream science denies that. Science is so arrogant. These ancient shamans knew so much more.”

lundi 4 décembre 2017

Notes à la fin de l'année 2017

Bonjour chers amis,

Les fêtes de Noël et de la Nouvelle Année approchent, et j'ai envie de vous envoyer tous mes voeux les plus chaleureux pour ces moments bénis entourés de votre famille et de vos amis. Que ce soit une vraie célébration de la vie et que vous en fassiez des fêtes de lumière alors que dehors les journées soient courtes et manquent un peu de lumière physique. C'est le  moment d'allumer  les bougies et d'écouter de  la  musique  sacrée, d'aller à l'église ou sur la Grand'Place pour voir la décoration de Noël et le Grand Arbre … Pensons à toutes les bonnes choses que nous  pouvons  faire ensemble, au fait que nous sommes  tous  reliés, tous une famille sur la même planète. Envoyons notre lumière à tous ceux  qui souffrent, à ceux  qui n'ont pas de toit sur la tête, qui ont faim, qui ont tout perdu et soyons avec eux en pensée. Ils ont besoin de notre compassion et notre bienveillance. Et faisons autour de  nous  ce que nous pouvons pour alléger  la  vie à quelqu'un en souffrance. Parfois  un petit geste peut faire des miracles. Pardonnons aussi à ceux  qui nous  ont offensé, car ils ont fait de leur mieux dans  la situation dans laquelle ils étaient  à ce moment-là. Chacun a  son  histoire, soyons à l'écoute. Et soyons aussi en gratitude pour chaque jour en  bonne santé, chaque leçon apprise, voyons le sens divin en chacun et chaque chose. Ne prenons pas les choses personnellement qui sont parfois projeté vers nous. 

Je me réjouis d'aller en Allemagne pour y rejoindre ma famille, d'autant plus  qu'il y a eu un petit garçon qui vient d'y arriver - arrière-grande-tante pour la 6e fois. Par contre je reviendrai à Bruxelles pour y fêter la nouvelle année. Je rentrerai le 29, et comme d'habitude nous allons nous réunir à partir de 19h chez moi. Chacun amène un plat ou une  boisson pour l'auberge espagnole. Et nous nous mettrons en méditation à partir de 23.30h pour rendre  grâce à l'année passé et souhaiter la bienvenue à 2018. Appelez-moi pour réserver votre place. 

Pour les dates des  groupes à Bruxelles  et Liège, je vous donne les  dates ci-joint. Attention, pour  la date de décembre à Liège,  il y a eu un changement, ce ne sera  pas le  dimanche 17 décembre, mais le dimanche 10 décembre à 15h chez Stefania. Pour Bruxelles ce sera comme  prévu le lundi 18 décembre à 19h chez moi. 

Les autres dates pour le début de l'année sont :
chez Stefania Pastechia (0496395035) Rue Haute Préalle 178, 4040 Herstal: 
les dimanches 14 janvier 2018 à 15h, 11 février 2018 à 15h, 18 mars 2018 à 15h. P.A.F. 5 €.

Bruxelles chez moi, adresse ci-dessous,
les lundis 15 janvier 2018 à 19h, 12 février à 19h, 19 mars à 19h, P.A.F. 5 €.

Mettez les dates déjà dans votre nouvel agenda 2018.

En même temps je vous encourage aussi à vous prendre  des moments dans le calme et le silence seul, chacun avec soi-même, pour faire un peu le bilan de l'année passée, quels étaient les meilleurs  moments, qu'est-ce qui m'a fait avancer le plus? D'être en gratitude pour tous  les beaux cadeaux que l'univers nous a offert et émettre une  intention pour ce que vous désirez mettre  en pratique dans la nouvelle année. C'est important de renouveler nos intentions pour régénérer nos  neurones qui autrement resteraient figés dans  les anciennes habitudes. Si nous voulons rester jeunes  et actifs il faut se mettre en mouvement et suivre notre  corps qui se renouvelle tous  les 7 ans automatiquement, et c'est notre tâche de l'encourager et soutenir dans cet  effort par notre pensée et en être reconnaissant. C'est pour cela  aussi que je voudrais vous  rappeler les 8 points du mode de vie délicieux préconisés par Jasmuheen pour élever notre conscience :
1. La méditation,
2. La Prière, 
3. Le Silence dans  la nature,
4. La Maîtrise des pensées,
5. Le Service - c'est à dire travailler pour le Bien commun,
6. L'exercice physique,
7. Un régime léger (végétarien, végétalien, cru),
8. La musique sacrée - écouter, pratiquer.
Si vous  avez envie d'approfondir je  peux vous envoyer le texte du Manuel entier de Jasmuheen sur  le Mode de Vie Délicieux que j'ai traduit en français, par email. Vivre en conscience, c'est cela le plus  important, mener une vie qui a du sens, voir le bien et le Divin en chacun et chaque chose, s'émerveiller de toutes les bonnes  choses, être dans l'instant présent, dans la Gratitude, la Compassion et célébrer la  Vie ! 

Petit rappel aussi que je suis toujours disponible pour vous guider dans un Jeu de la Transformation, le jeu qui peut transformer votre vie, qui vous permet de clarifier vos questions personnelles les plus importantes et de trouver comment avancer efficacement, d'ouvrir des voies nouvelles  pour améliorer vos relations, de mettre  en valeur vos capacités personnelles et de savoir contribuer pleinement au but que vous choisissez. Transformez vos peines et défis grâce à une nouvelle perspective, faites l'expérience d'un équilibre serein entre le jeu et le travail, approfondissez la connaissance de vous-même et des autres, recevez amour, inspiration et soutien sur votre  chemin.
Ou je peux aussi  vous recevoir individuellement pour vous écouter et vous  encourager sur votre route. 

Amour, Paix et Joie

Drève de la Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles
+32.26729684 ou 0486.961422

samedi 30 septembre 2017

The Red Dot Zones ... - Vidéo de Jasmuheen avec sous-titres français

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“The world has never been healthier, wealthier, or better educated,” says Obama

Former US president Barack Obama says that, despite “extraordinary challenges,” now is the time to embrace optimism

“If you had to choose any moment in history to be born, you’d choose right now,” Barack Obama told a conference in New York recently.

“The world has never been healthier, wealthier, or better educated, or in many ways more tolerant and less violent than it is today.”

The former US president’s speech at a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation event on 20 September acknowledged the “extraordinary challenges” the world faces, but called on the audience of innovators, activists, musicians, comedians and royalty to embrace optimism and reject the cynical narratives of divisive politics and mainstream media.

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“By just about every measure, the world is better than it was 50 years ago, 30 years ago and even 10 years ago,” he said. “I know that statement doesn’t chime with the steady stream of bad news and the cynicism that we’re fed through television and Twitter, but since the 1950s, life expectancy has grown by more than 20 years. Since 1990 we have cut extreme poverty and childhood mortality in half. Since 2000 we’ve evolved from a world without marriage equality to one where it’s a reality in more than two dozen countries.”

The speech came just a day after his successor, Donald Trump, caused controversy in an address to the United Nations by saying that the US could be forced to “totally destroy North Korea”.

We have to reject the notion that we’re suddenly gripped by forces that we cannot control

Obama also raised concerns about the rise of “a politics that says it’s not ‘we’, but ‘us and them”. But he went on to say that “we have to reject the notion that we’re suddenly gripped by forces that we cannot control.”

He also referred to the ongoing problems of growing economic inequality, changing climate, terrorism, and mass migration, but said the progress he has witnessed during his lifetime shows that “despite the naysayers and the cynicism, change can happen. Individually and collectively we can make a difference, we can make things better.”

After ending his second term as US president in January, Obama said that his focus now is to train the next generation of leaders to change the world through his foundation, the Obama Foundation.

Despite the naysayers and the cynicism, change can happen. Individually and collectively we can make a difference

Obama’s speech took place at an event called Goalkeepers at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on initiatives that present practical solutions to the world’s problems. The two-day event brought together ‘determined thinkers, doers and givers’ to share ideas on achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the UN.

The original posted by Tom Lawson can be found here.

lundi 25 septembre 2017

The Grand Awakening - a Positive Insight & Time (from Jasmuheen and Anjie)


Welcome to our latest news - yes it is unusual for us to send our 2 newsletters in 2 months but something is happening and many can feel it! Something strong is unfolding, yet there is no matrix to tune to re this as it is a global co-creation, with many more coming together in clarity regarding how we wish to be together on Earth; playing the very limited but highly mesmerising 'me, me' me game' or moving even deeper collectively into the more unified, more Grace-filled game of the 'we'!

As I write this, The Global Citizen Festival is beaming out from Central Park in New York, with a variety of inspirational messages, music and messengers. The energy it has just been adding to the Unified fields is electrifying and you can a see a video on this here.   

Despite what appears to be chaotic times for some, people are gathering all around our world, they are coming into clarity and they are becoming stronger regarding what they would like to see unfolding in our world and this is stimulating a strong quantum response.

At the same time we have the small vortex being created between US President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, which has perhaps resulted in a lot more U.F.O. activity and sightings. None of this 'threatening talk' between these leaders is a problem as is shown in the "Unacknowledged" documentary, as our Intergalactic friends can diffuse all of this quickly if required, as our choices on Earth will not be allowed to have negative fallout on a universal level. Yet is is our planet and our inter-dimensional friends trust that we can make the right choices, they know, like we all do, that what we each vibrate has a huge impact and the fields as we know - so vibrating the love and compassion of our Pure nature is the best thing we can do!   

We know that some of you on our mailing list are not interested in the Matrix of Beings of Light and knowing our Intergalactic Kin but for those of you interested, this topic will be strong in this issue, as all sources are now confirming our intuitive knowing that we have now merged deeper with the unified realms than ever before and all the chaos just reflects this merge.

Personally, first came the inner push for me to complete and offer our Pranic People research freely to all, next came the push to create a very clear auto-biography in a brief video we call "Jasmuheen revealed"; and then came the strong inner call to add more data to our Youtube Playlist that we have called "Contact - our ET friends, UFO's, telepathy, Earth's future and more"; however in this series we are adding additional levels to what Dr Steven Greer has released on Netflix with his "Unacknowleged" movie (see his Youtube trailer.)

Our last newsletter had a number of people saying, how can we proclaim the Golden Age is here when there is still so much suffering in our world, so for these ones we share the new Red Dot Zone & The Golden Age movie at this link  where we offer a higher perspective on the zones of chaos in our world and how everything naturally comes up for rebalance at the start of a Golden Age time, so things are not what they seem. Then you might like to watch our new "Grand Awakening" video insight that flows on from this - you can see more re this below as it is quite an unusual message from our Light Being friends. 

I love being home as you know, I also love still being active and beaming into places via Skype as I did with the Openmind Festival in Spain this last week. The following message on "Recoding deeper into personal & global unity zones ... heart sharing about life, my background and so much more, including promoting the importance of open minds and hearts!" was what came through ... to view this click here ...

Finally, in a few days, I am off to India, then Taiwan then soon after that Brazil then back to China to do our wonderful Sacred Art Retreat! As usual you can see the link to our tour schedule below and of course we would love to see you there with us, for it is so different to be in the energy field we co-create in each gathering compared to the way we are connecting now - smiles.
This is Jasmuheen sharing all the love, all the light, all the wisdom that comes from my heart and my core, with you all.

Biggest hugs to you all - Jasmuheen and Anjie ...

(The original can be found here)

mardi 12 septembre 2017

Dates for our meetings in the next few months in Brussels and Liège.

Dear friends,

It  looks like we are in autumn now, the leaves are changing colours and fall to the ground, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are going down. I hope you enjoyed your holidays and found moments of silence in nature by yourselves and also celebrated good times with family without the daily stress. Did you also stock some of the warmth of summer in your heart for the colder  days? I was in Brussels most of the time and took advantage of the more relaxed summer climate in traffic, more parking spaces, people sitting on the terraces of restaurants and bars, lunch time concerts in various locations. And I spent a week in Hamburg with my family which was filled with outings to the Baltic Sea, a barefoot park in the  countryside, inviting us to feel and listen to  and appreciate nature in all its beauty walking barefoot on different grounds. A great experience for the children and the adults. And  we also discovered new things in the city mostly in sunshine. I find it so important to spend time with those I love best and with whom I have been together for such a long time  and  probably also in past lives. For me who lives on my own most of the time it was intense and unusual.  But taking out the dog for a brisk walk of one hour every day at 6.30 am gave  me my hour of silence in nature and allowed my to enjoy family life for the rest of the day. It is thanks to my sister that I inherited such a warm-hearted big family that I love and for whom I am their elder.

Where are we with the outer world at the moment? The big meteorological movements, like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, forest fires etc. could fill us with anxiety and fears, if we did not have our spiritual path in life and all the wisdom of the old indigenous populations confirming that we are on the way to a new Golden Age, where everything will be different, not like anything our planet has  experienced before in human history. No more wars or conflicts between different countries, religions, belief systems, no more pursuit of money or material things, no more pollution, welcome to the clean energies, to unity with all, peace and solidarity, working for the highest best of all, healthy food a  new quantic science proving that everything is connected with everything! And all this is only possible thanks to the energy  of LOVE - COMPASSION, the strongest energy in the world which is also at the basis of all religions, of all human life, even fauna and flora on our planet and of the Universe. And of course, it is part of our spiritual teachings, our path in consciousness which considers everything as sacred and divine, including equality between the sexes in all areas, celebrating life and putting us all on the same level. No more bosses  and subordinates, even in politics and the corporate world.  It is all working together for the highest good of all. It is paradise on earth ! And can you believe it, can  you imagine it? Do you realise that we are almost there already?   We have indeed been working for this for ages, in  order to contribute to the elevation of human consciousness which has increased so much in the last couple of years. Or do you still believe in what the conventional media are telling us, suggesting that we are going towards the end of the world, Are you in fear? Do you know that 95% of the population is already creating this Golden Age ? If you ask people whether they want war or peace, 95 % are going to choose peace. Therefore, all is very well, and the media are indeed only serving those last 5 %. As I travel a lot around the world I know  about all these  magnificent projects being realised everywhere. There  is also integrative medecine, where conventional and alternative methods are working together and which already helps a lot of people to get out of the system of drugs etc. And lots of things are also happening in the corporate world and in science where  more efficient procedures are developed to create the new. Education is still lagging behind a bit, but  it will all come together. The new generations  will push the old ones to go forward. 

As our planet Gaia is in the process of cleansing - with water, air and fire - and many people have lost their homes  and  everything else in these violent natural "disasters", many are obliged to create a new life for themselves and their families. And  we all have to do the  same, let go of all that does not serve us anymore,  also in our heads, our thought processes.  Let us go forward and stay in the present moment at the same time, choosing our path in consciousness, focalising on what unites us instead of  what is separating us. And also the refugees are around all of us for a reason,  teaching us to live all together as one family on one planet in peace and kindness, independent of our origins. 

Jasmuheen has just published a very good video on UTube about the Golden Age, in English. But it will soon come  out  with subtitles in other languages. I have  just sent her the French translation.

Oh, this has become quite  a  long story, so  lets go to the dates for our meetings in the next few months  in Brussels and Liège.

Liège at 
Stefania Pastechia's place (0496395035)
Rue Haute Préalle 178,
4040 Herstal 
on Sundays 17 September 2017 at 3 pm,
8 October 2017,
19 November and
17 Décembre.  
5 €

Brussels at my place, +32.26729684 or 0486.961422,
Drève de la Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles
Mondays at 7 pm 18 Septembre,
9 October,
20 November and
18 December.
5 € 

I also wanted to say that I am always available for individual sessions or to guide you through a  Game of Transformation. 

Meanwhile I am looking forward to see you at one or the other meeting and encourage you to stay strong in these critical times and remain aligned with your Divine One Within. That is the most
important thing, to take time  for meditation and reflection in order to stabilise yourself, because all the past references don't work any more, and we have to go inside to our heart and listen  to the first intuition. The second intuition is often already the mind interfering because it does not want to lose control. You better listen only to the first one.

Love, peace and joy

Dates de réunions pour les prochains mois à Bruxelles et Liège

Bonjour chers amis,

On dirait que nous  sommes  arrivés en  automne, les feuilles des arbres  changent de couleur et tombent par terre, les  journées sont plus courtes en  lumière et les températures baissent …. J'espère que vous ayez passé de bonnes  vacances, que  vous  ayez pu trouver vos moments à vous en silence  dans la nature et aussi célébrer les bons moments en  famille dans  la joie et relax, faire provision de  la chaleur estivale dans  votre coeur  pour mieux vivre la saison plus froide. Pour ma part j'étais à Bruxelles la  plupart du  temps et j'ai bien profité de la  situation plus calme dans la circulation, des concerts de Midi Minimes au Conservatoire et à l'Eglise des Minimes, d'observer les gens contents sur les terrasses et la nature riche en fleurs partout. Un privilège. Et j'ai  passé une semaine à Hambourg dans ma famille, où nous  avons fait plein d'excursions à la mer Baltique, à un parc pieds nus très intéressant qui nous permettait de tester notre ressenti sur  différentes surfaces en pieds nus et aussi pour les  oreilles et la  vue. Les enfants ont adoré, nous aussi. Et nous  avons découvert les nouveautés de la ville, le tout avec le soleil la plupart du temps. Je trouve cela tellement important, de passer du temps avec les personnes qui nous  sont le  plus proches et qui nous ont accompagné le plus longtemps, souvent aussi dans nos vie antérieures. Pour moi, qui je vis seule la plupart du temps, c'est intense et inhabituel. Cependant comme je sors avec le chien tous les matins à 6.30h pour une promenade énergétique d'une heure dans  la nature, j'ai eu mon heure de  silence dans la nature et peux me réjouir de la vie familiale le restant de  la journée. C'est  grâce  à ma soeur que  j'ai hérité d'une très grande famille chaleureuse que j'adore et dont je suis  la séniore maintenant.

Où en sommes-nous avec le monde extérieur en ce moment ? Les  grands mouvements météorologiques,  comme  les ouragans, les tremblements de terre, les inondations, les feux de forêts pourraient nous faire peur et nous mettre dans l'angoisse, si nous n'avions pas notre chemin spirituel qui nous rassure et notre foi dans la vie et toute la sagesse des anciennes populations indigènes qui nous confirment que nous sommes en route vers un nouvel Age d'Or, où tout sera différent, du jamais vu dans toute l'histoire humaine. Fini les guerres et les affrontements des peuples, des religions, fini la quête des biens matériels, fini la pollution, bienvenu les énergies propres, l'égalité pour tous, l'unité avec tout, la paix et la solidarité,  le bien commun, une nourriture épurée et saine, une nouvelle science quantique qui prouve que tout est relié. Et tout cela n'est possible que grâce à l'énergie de l'AMOUR - COMPASSION, l'énergie la plus forte, qui se trouve à la base de toutes  les religions, de toute la vie humaine, végétale et animale sur notre planète ainsi  que dans l'Univers entier. Et évidemment il fait partie de notre enseignement spirituel, notre chemin en conscience qui considère tout comme sacré et divin, y inclus l'égalité des sexes dans tous les domaines, qui célèbre la vie et nous met tous  au même niveau, plus de chefs  et subordonnés même dans la politique, tous travaillant ensemble pour le  bien commun. C'est cela le paradis sur terre! Et pouvez-vous  y croire? Pouvez-vous l'imaginer? Est-ce  que vous vous rendez compte que nous y sommes déjà  presque, et que nous y travaillons tous déjà depuis si longtemps, en contribuant à l'élévation de la conscience de l'humanité qui a fait un grand bond en avant ces dernières années? Ou est-ce que vous croyez encore à ce que  les médias conventionnels nous  racontent et veulent nous faire croire que nous  allons  vers la fin du monde, nous faire peur? Savez-vous que 95 % de la population sont déjà bien branchés sur cet Age d'Or que  nous  créons? Car si vous demandez aux gens s'ils  veulent la guerre ou la paix, 95% vont choisir la paix. Donc tout va bien, et les médias ne servent plus que les derniers  5 %. Comme je voyage beaucoup je suis au courant de  tous ces magnifiques projets qui sont réalisés dans le monde entier. Un domaine que je n'ai pas encore mentionné est la médecine intégrative, où la conventionnelle et l'alternative se rencontrent. Aussi le domaine corporatif et la science sont en pleine effervescence pour créer du  nouveau. Dans l'éducation on est pas  encore très avancé, mais  cela viendra. C'est tellement important pour les nouvelles générations qui ne trouvent pas leur satisfaction à l'école avec l'ancien système.  
Comme notre planète Gaia est  en plein processus de nettoyage - avec l'eau, l'air et le feu - et beaucoup de personnes ont tout perdu dans ce processus, eux ils seront obligés de se créer une nouvelle  vie, nous devons le faire aussi, lâcher prise de tout ce qui ne nous  sert plus, aussi et surtout dans notre pensée, et allons vers l'avant tout en restant dans l'instant présent, choisissant notre chemin en conscience, focalisons nous sur ce qui nous  unit et  non sur ce qui nous sépare. Aussi les réfugiés sont là  pour cette raison, nous apprendre à vivre tous ensemble  comme  une  famille dans la paix et l'entente. 

Jasmuheen vient de  publier un UTube sur l'Age d'Or en anglais et qui sera sous-titré très vite, je viens  de lui envoyer la traduction vers le français. 

Ouf, c'est devenu un peu long. Donc passons maintenant aux dates de réunions pour les prochains mois à Bruxelles et Liège:
Liège chez Stefania Pastechia (0496395035)
Rue Haute Préalle 178,
4040 Herstal,
les dimanches 17 Septembre 2017 à 15h, 
8 Octobre 2017 à 15h, 
19 Novembre à 15 h et 
17 Décembre à 15h.  
P.A.F. 5 €

Bruxelles chez moi, +32.26729684 or 0486.961422,
Drève de la Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles
les lundis 18 Septembre à 19h, 
9 Octobre à 19h, 
20 Novembre 19h, 
18 Décembre à 19h, 
P.A.F. 5 € 

Je vous  rappelle aussi  que je suis toujours disponible pour des séances individuelles ou pour vous  guider dans un  Jeu de  la Transformation.

Entretemps je me réjouis de  vous  voir à l'une ou l'autre  réunion et vous souhaite de tenir bon dans ces temps mouvementés et de rester alignés à votre  Divin Intérieur. C'est cela le plus important de vous  prendre des temps de méditation et réflexion pour vous  stabiliser, car tous les anciens  repères  ne fonctionnent plus, il faut se référer uniquement à notre coeur et à la  première  intuition de celui-ci. La deuxième intuition est en général déjà le mental,  alors  écoutez uniquement la première ….

Amour, Paix et Joie

mercredi 6 septembre 2017

Quote of the day

The now is the most exciting time you have ever known, so do not miss a second of it. Live on the tips of your toes, ready for anything to happen at any moment!
 - Eileen Caddy

vendredi 1 septembre 2017

The Red Dot Zones and the Golden Age - Chaos and Unity - Jasmuheen

In this brief yet insightful video, Ambassador of Peace Jasmuheen shares a higher perspective on the zones of chaos in our world, how everything will naturally come up for rebalance at the start of  a Golden age time.

vendredi 18 août 2017

Quote of the day

Enjoy every moment of living, for the joy of the Beloved fills our souls and blesses us with the appreciation of the Gift of. Life itself. Find joy in the work you do. In the times of peace and leisure, in the time we spend together. Joy fills us with strength and enables us to do. what needs to be done with enthusiasm and optimism. Joy looks beyond appearances to the best in every experience and in every outcome.
- Eilen Caddy

samedi 1 juillet 2017

In Tibet

Arriving at Lhasa after our annual  Peace  Embassy Retreat at Hangzhou (China) with a  small  group of people who had  participated in it, Jasmuheen received a powerful energy download on the bus from the  airport. She was shown an enormous  golden  Tibetan prayer wheel - as they are being used by the Tibetan pilgrims - which she understood  to have been built by all the Tibetan  lineages  and Dalai Lamas over the ages, as well as  all the religions and philosophies  all over the world, and at the same time the wisdom and love of the Earth of all indigenous traditions, including Atlantis, that  was built on a  place where all ley lines of the area are meeting and  coming together. And this prayer wheel was sending out a swirling bright light from a vortex into all direction at a caliber of 333 x 333 x333 (the love code of Isis). She then realized that all the currents of unity consciousness were added also and all together formed big torusses firing the light out into all directions  in the world and the universe and beyond, proving that now is the time for humanity to enter into  this  state  of unity consciousness   and  immersing itself in it, loosing its attachment to duality consciousness at the same time. Our task is to share  this as  authentically as possible.

Je vous  partage  déjà ici le message que Jasmuheen a reçu au moment de notre arrivée au Tibet, dans la voiture qui était venue nous chercher à l'aéroport: Elle a  eu la vision d'un énorme moulin  à prière - comme l'utilisent  les pélérins  tibétains -, en or et dont elle  comprenait qu'il avait été construit par les lignées des Dalai Lamas ainsi que toutes les religions et philosophies du monde entier ainsi que la sagesse et connaissances de tous les peuples  indigènes, y inclus Atlantide - sur un point où se croisent tous  les ley lines (lignes énergétiques dans la terre). S'y ajoutaient aussi tous  les courants  de conscience d'unité. Tout cela ensemble créait un vortex de  lumière qui s'élevait en spirales dans toutes les directions avec une force incroyable d'un calibre 333 x 333 x333 (code de l'amour d'Isis) en rayonnant en forme de torus (physique quantique) vers toute la planète et dans l'univers  entier. Notre  tâche est de partager ceci de manière aussi authentique que possible.

Bei unserer Ankunft am Flughafen von Lhasa (Tibet) mit einer kleinen Gruppe von Teilnehmern an der jährlichen Zusammenkunft der Friedensbotschafter von Jasmuheen in Hangzhou erhielt Jasmuheen  eine  starke energetische Herunterladung im Bus vom  Flughafen in die Stadt. Sie sah vor ihrem inneren Auge eine riesige goldene Gebetsmühle, wie  sie die tibetischen  Pilger tragen, die bestand aus der gesamten tibetischen  religiösen Tradition mit allen Dalai Lamas, ebenso wie  aller weltweiten Religionen und Philosophien und der Weisheit und Erdverbundenheit aller eingeborenen Völker sowie  Atlantis, die sich an einem Ort befand, wo alle "ley lines" (Erdenergielinien) zusammentreffen. Diese Gebetsmühle sandte Lichtspiralen aus einem glühenden Vortex in alle Richtungen mit einem Kaliber von 333 x 333 x 333 (der Liebescodex von Isis) aus. Hinzu kamen dann noch alle Tendenzen des Einheitsbewusstseins. Alles zusammen feuerte das Licht  in Form von Torussen (Quantenphysik) in alle Richtungen und ins Universum und darüber hinaus. Es ist Zeit  für die Menschheit, einzutauchen in das Einheitsbewusstsein und die Abhängigkeit von der Dualität hinter sich zu lassen. Und unsere Aufgabe besteht  darin, diese Botschaft  so authentisch wie möglich weiterzugeben.

mardi 30 mai 2017

Réunion Juin 2017

Bonjour, chers amis,

Je vous écris déjà aujourd'hui pour vous rappeler la date de réunion mensuelle à Bruxelles  et Liège, car je vais partir en Italie pendant une semaine pour participer au festival  pranique du 1er au 8 juin à Coccore près de  Ancona. J'espère que vous profitez bien du temps  d'été que l'univers  nous  offre en ce moment.  C'est tellement agréable de  sentir la chaleur du soleil  sur la peau et aussi d'être surpris  par le coup de tonnère occasionnel et le baiser de lumière des orages qui accompagnent ce temps. C'est aussi une manière de célébrer la vie. Quel plaisir de voir autant de personnes à table dehors dans les rues de Bruxelles et ailleurs les soirs d'été. Et en même  temps encore se réjouir des belles fleurs printanières partout, se promener dans  la  nature pour retrouver l'harmonie intérieure et la paix de l'âme que nous oublions  parfois dans le brouhaha  de la  vie de tous  les jours. Ce sera  encore un mois dur pour les parents  d'enfants, les soutenir dans leurs examens … Et après deux mois de vacances ! Tâchez de  prendre la vie plus à la  légère, de vous  consacrer des moments de détente même courts. Cela vaut la peine. Et ne vous laissez pas embarquer dans le ballet des mauvaises nouvelles que  les médias nous  présentent  tous  les jours. Sachez qu'il y a beaucoup plus  de bonnes nouvelles, sauf que les gens oublient d'en parler. Faisons l'effort de ne partager que les bonnes nouvelles que nous  voyons autour de nous. Après tout nous connaissons tous des gens  autour de nous qui font du bien, alors relevons plutôt  cela que les mauvaises  nouvelles et contribuons ainsi à la  paix dans  le monde. Rappelez-vous  que chaque  pensée que  nous avons influence notre monde. Nous connaissons tous cette théorie, alors appliquons-la. La réunion annuelle du Choeur Lémurien près  du Montblanc à Chamonix et sur la montagne - à laquelle j'ai participé comme d'habitude depuis le 21 décembre 2012 - a encore fait relâcher beaucoup de bonnes énergies fortes pour le Nouveau Monde  dont nous rêvons et pour lequel nous travaillons.

Voici donc les dates de réunion pour Liège, le dimanche 11  juin à 15h chez
Rue Haute Préalle 178,
4040 Herstal,

annoncez votre venue chez elle.
Et pour Bruxelles, le lundi 12 juin à 19h chez moi.

Au plaisir de  vous  y rencontrer, et je vous raconterai mes aventures au Festival Pranique.
Amour, Paix et Joie

mardi 16 mai 2017

vendredi 12 mai 2017

Where You Stand Is Holy Ground

Guidance received by Eileen Caddy

Be ever aware of Me, ever aware of My divine presence. Know that I AM within you, that I AM ever with you, that where you are I AM, that where you stand is holy ground, that all I have is yours and you are Mine. We are One, One, One; nothing can separate us. Keep on meditating on the wonder and glory of this. Banish all old thoughts and conceptions of being miserable sinners. See yourselves as My Sons and Daughters filled with Light, Love and Wisdom and radiating forth My divine gifts. All I have is yours; never forget this tremendous statement.

12 May 2017

One of the co-founders of the Findhorn Community, Eileen Caddy, received guidance from the "still, small voice within" and shared it with the community for more than 40 years until she passed away in 2006. We continue this tradition as her guidance is as relevant today as it was when she received it.
Original can be found here

Interview - Pranic World Festival 2016

The interview is in English.

For more information on the Pranic World Festival go to

lundi 27 mars 2017

Newsletter spring 2017

Dear friends,

Here we  are in spring, and all of nature is regenerating. I love observing nature, listening to the  song of the birds, admiring the flowers in the gardens, parks, roundabouts of Brussels and on my own balcony. Nature is  the best artist of all. All these colors and shades of fresh green. I am awed.

The  year started off very well. I love the encounters in my monthly groups of  sharing  and  meditation in Brussels  and  Liège, where new people turn up every time. It is  good to come together with people  of the  same  mind, to feel understood and be  able to express what we  cannot always do in our normal environment. And also to know that we are all supporting each  other. 

I  have already been traveling twice this  year, to Norway - where the purpose  was to see the Northern  Lights on the Lofoten Islands, something  which I had been dreaming about for  a long time. However, it kept snowing all the time and there were strong winds so that we never saw any. l
was not really disappointed because the landscape there was so beautiful and impressive, almost mystique with the snow and the silence. We went out on a boat to see the  white sea eagles and other animals, which was amazing. And we stayed in former fishermen's houses that  were  very comfortable and had a fireplace for burning wood. The air was  pure, and the water was transparent. So really all was  very well, and then I went to Oslo to meet my friend Dafne and stayed with her for 3 days. She introduced me to  her friends, and  we had profound conversations. What always enchants  me in the Scandinavian countries is the light and  the  beauty everywhere. 
The second trip took me to Mexico, Chiapas,  a  beautiful mountainous  area, the town of San Cristobal de  la Casas, where I was invited to work with a group of people, some  of whom  I had met  at a retreat with Jasmuheen at Cancun a couple of years  ago. I gave a talk and a workshop on pranic  consciousness which both went very well with people who were very motivated and wanted to grow and had an  open heart. I love doing this work and sharing my wisdom and knowledge. And  there will be more journeys of this kind this year. 

As  to my regular activities in Belgium I have fixed the dates taking into account my trips. For the group in Brussels one Monday per month at my home at 7 pm, the dates are 24 April, 15 May,  19 June, 17 July. I also add the dates until the end of the year, but they might be changed because of my travels  and will need to be  confirmed : 21 August, 18 September, 16 October, 27 November and  18 December.
And  for the group in Liège, one Sunday afternoon per month at 3 pm at Stefania Pastecchia's place, Rue Haute Préalle 178, 4040 Herstal - 0496.395035 - Sunday 23 April, 14 May, 11 June. For the second  part of the year there might also  be changes and they need to be confirmed. But so  far they are : 23 July, 20 August, 17 September, 15 October, 26 November and  17 December 2017.

I also  remind you that I can accompany you as a guide in the Game of Transformation - certified by Innerlinks - which is a beautiful tool of transformation. You will find an explanation on my blog "". I also used it with the  group in Mexico…

I will also travel again with JASMUHEEN this year, which  was  not the case last year because she  had taken a sabbatical. But we are always in contact with each other through WhatsApp.  I will join her at the Peace Ambassador Retreat in China and  a few days in Tibel immediately afterwards, and also for  another  retreat at Brasilia in November (see  the details on  her website and  also on my blog. And I shall also  participate again as  last  year as a presenter at the Pranic Festival at Coccore from 1 to 8 June, organised  by Nicolas Pilartz. Come and  join us there. Look it up on facebook. 

You have probably noticed that many people are being shaken at the moment by challenges in health, emotions and so on and that in the old political, economic, educational structures it is not really harmony prevailing. That means that changes are accelerating, the consciousness of humanity has  increased, too, and more and more  people realize that it  is important to evolve and take responsibility  for what is going on around us and  inside of us, to let  go of  the  old and go with the flow towards the new world that  we desire so much. Let us finish feeling sorry for ourselves and being  the  victim. This is not appropriate any more. The light is shining more and  more and darkness has  to leave. Let us  live in the present moment and  celebrate the  divine  life, everyone in their own way. Lets simplify life, see the good  in everything instead  of criticizing. Everyone does their best, and we are all different and at the same time all one, all connected to all. No more separation. And each  one of us has to find their own vocation inside. And let us  put into practice what we know in theory.

Love, peace and  joy

samedi 25 mars 2017

Jasmuheen in Brazil 2017

Brazil – November 2017 

  • 6th November Evening Event – mini workshop in Rio de Janeiro8th November Evening event – mini workshop in São Paulo
  • 11-12th November – Level 1 of Essence Ocean Program, then
    13-14th November – Level 2 – Resets, I Essence Program
  • Level 1 & Level 2 are both at São Jose dos Campos (outside of São Paulo) – 4 day event.
  • Organizers:
    - Rio de Janeiro & Sao Jose
      Sandra Garabedian
          Phone: +55 21 3410-0716,
          Mobile: +55 21 98663-2231,
    - São Paulo –
      Cida Severini
         Phone: +55 11 2295-5801,
         Mobile: +55 11 98275 6396
    mail and

mardi 21 mars 2017

Lettre d'info printemps 2017

Bonjour, chers amis,

Nous voilà au printemps, et toute la  nature se  régénère. J'adore observer la nature, écouter le chant des oiseaux, admirer les fleurs dans  les jardins, les parcs, sur les rond points de Bruxelles et sur mon balcon. Et chaque jour d'autres s'y ajoutent. La nature est le meilleur  artiste de  tous. Toutes ces couleurs, et les nuances de vert. Je  m'émerveille. 

L'année a bien commencé. J'aime bien nos rencontres dans mes groupes mensuels de partages et de méditation à Bruxelles et à Liège, où chaque fois de nouvelles personnes se joignent. Cela fait du bien de se retrouver dans un groupe de personnes de même esprit, se savoir compris et pouvoir exprimer des choses profondes que nous ne pouvons pas toujours dire dans notre entourage au quotidien. Et aussi savoir que nous nous soutenons tous mutuellement. 

J'ai déjà fait deux voyages cette année, le premier en Norvège dont le but était à l'origine de voir l'Aurore boréale dont je rêvais depuis longtemps - ce qui n'a pas pu se faire à cause des  conditions météorologiques (il y avait la neige et le vent). Finalement je n'en étais pas déçu, car le paysage des Iles Lofotes dans le nord de la Norvège était tellement magnifique et impressionnant et mystique avec la neige, et nous avons pu sortir en bâteau  pour voir les aigles blanc de mer et d'autres animaux qui nous ont impressionné. Et nous logions dans des anciennes maisons de pêcheurs très confortables avec  le feu de bois. L'air y est pur aussi et l'eau claire et transparente. Après les trois jours  sur les îles je me suis encore arrêtée à Oslo chez mon amie Dafne et y ai visité la ville et aussi rencontré quelques amis qui avaient envie de me  rencontrer pour avoir des conversations profondes. Ce qui m'enchante toujours dans  les  pays scandinaves c'est la lumière partout dans les maisons souvent en bois et verre et la beauté, la créativité et le sens  de l'esthétique. Le deuxième voyage m'a amené au Mexique, aux Chiapas, une très belle région montagneuse, où j'étais invité par un groupe de personnes, dont j'avais  rencontré quelques unes lors d'une  retraite avec Jasmuheen à Cancun il y a deux ans, pour y donner une conférence et un séminaire sur la conscience  pranique. La conférence et le séminaire se sont très bien passés avec des participants très motivés et  de coeur qui avaient envie d'évoluer. Je suis de plus en plus invité à ce genre d'événements à différents endroits dans le monde pour y partager ma  sagesse et mon savoir, et il y a  déjà d'autres voyages planifiés cette année. J'en suis ravie.  

Pour les  activités  en Belgique j'ai déjà fait une liste des dates en tenant compte de mes voyages. Pour le  groupe de Bruxelles, un lundi par mois chez moi à 19h, ce seront les lundis 24 avril, 15 mai, 19 juin, 17 juillet. J'ajoute  déjà les  dates jusqu'à la fin de  l'année, cependant avec  une option de changement éventuel par  rapport  à mes  voyages: le  21 août, le  18 septembre, le 16 octobre, le 27 novembre et le 18 décembre.
Et pour le groupe à Liège, un dimanche par mois à 15h chez Stefania Pastecchia, Rue Haute Préalle 178, 4040 Herstal, 0496.395035, les dimanches 23 avril, 14 mai, 11 juin, pour la deuxième moitié aussi avec une  option de changement éventuel: le 23 juillet, le 20 août, le 17 septembre, le 15 octobre, le  26 novembre, le 17 décembre 2017. 

Je vous rappelle aussi que je peux vous accompagner comme guide attitré par Innerlinks dans  le Jeu de la Transformation, pour une  explication voire mon blog "", un outil magnifique d'évolution que j'ai d'ailleurs aussi utilisé dans mon groupe au Mexique. 

Je vais aussi retrouver Jasmuheen cette  année, ce qui n'était pas le cas l'année passée, car  elle avait pris  un congé sabbatique. Cependant nous  sommes toujours  en contact par messagerie vocale sur WhatsApp. Je la  rejoindrai en Chine pour une retraite des Ambassadeurs de la Paix et pour un séjour au Tibet directement après en juillet et pour une  autre retraite à Brasilia en Novembre (voyez les détails sur le site web De même je participerai comme l'année  dernière au Festival Pranique en Italie à Coccore du 1er au 8 juin organisé par Nicolas Pilartz. Venez nous rejoindre. 

Vous avez sans doute pu remarquer que beaucoup de personnes sont actuellement secouées par des défis de santé, émotionnels ou autres et que dans les anciennes structures politiques, économiques, d'éducation etc. ce n'est pas vraiment l'harmonie qui règne. Cela veut dire que les changements s'accélèrent, que la conscience de l'humanité a encore fait un bond vers le haut et que de plus en plus de personnes se rendent compte qu'il est important d'évoluer et de prendre la responsabilité pour ce qui se passe autour de nous et à l'intérieur de nous, de lâcher l'ancien et d'aller avec  le courant vers ce  nouveau monde que nous désirons avec tant d'ardeur. C'est fini d'avoir pitié de nous-mêmes, de nous sentir en victime. Ce n'est plus adapté à notre vie actuelle. Aussi cela veut dire que la lumière est en train de s'agrandir pour effacer de plus en plus l'ombre.   Vivons  l'instant présent et célébrons la vie divine, chacun à sa manière. Simplifions la vie, voyons le bien  en tout au lieu de critiquer que les autres ne font pas leur travail. Chacun fait de son mieux, et nous sommes  tous  différents et en même temps tous un, tous reliés  à tout. Plus de séparation. Et c'est à chacun de trouver sa vraie vocation, cherchons-la à l'intérieur. Et mettons en pratique ce  que nous  savons.

Amour, Paix et Joie

Quantum Choir Special Video Message from Dr. Todd

Quantum Header 4

Event Information 

Hi Erika,

We are about to hit the two month mark!  Exciting days ahead await for us in Chamonix!

Below you will find links for travel and lodging.  Please spend some time browsing this information. We intent for everyone to have wonderful, enjoyable trip.

Dr. Todd will be releasing the practice recording soon, STAY TUNE!

Dr Todd Video Special Invitation to Chamonix Quantum Choir! 



Nous sommes presque à deux mois de notre évènement! Des jours passionnants nous attendent à Chamonix!
Ci-dessous vous trouverez des liens pour le voyage et l'hébergement.
Veuillez passer un peu de temps à parcourir cette information. Nous souhaitons que tout le monde ait un voyage merveilleux et agréable.

Le Dr Todd va bientôt enregistrer la pratique du Toning, RESTEZ BRANCHÉS!

Vidéo Invitation spéciale à Chamonix pour le Chœur Quantique par Dr Todd!


  Everything About the Quantum Choir 

 More Travel and Lodging Information 

 Do you have friends and Family wanting to join the Choir?
 Qualily to participate in the Quantum Choir Webinar 
Audiance Registration Limited Seating Registration Coming Soon!

 Place an order to pick up Gematria product in Chamonix.  

Practice Recordings and Agenda Coming Soon!

Tout sur le Chœur Quantique
French link÷-france-÷-chamonix/2017-÷-france-÷-chamonix-choeur/

  Plus d'informations sur les voyages et l'hébergement
French link :÷-france-÷-chamonix/2017-÷-france-÷-chamonix-÷-infos-pratiques/
  Avez-vous des amis et des membres de votre famille qui souhaitent rejoindre le Choeur?

  •   Se qualifier pour participer séminaire online 
French link :÷-france-÷-chamonix/2017-÷-chamonix-÷-politiques-generales-concernant-levenement/  OU
  • Possibilité d’Inscription limitée pour ceux qui veulent simplement écouter BIENTÔT!

Commandez les produit Gematria à recevoir à Chamonix.
Please add also in the Dropbox  the letter  French / Spanish/ English

Très bientôt Enregistrement de la Pratique et agenda !

Contact Information: