vendredi 14 décembre 2012

Décembre 2012

Bonjour chers amis,

Nous voilà presque arrivés à la date fatidique du 21/12/12, ayant déjà dépassé le 12/12/12, et la vie continue, mais en même temps nous sentons beaucoup de choses changer, surtout aussi à l'intérieur et dans le corps. C'est comme si mon corps se mettait en mode d'auto-guérison … et que les pensées destructrices sont effacées. Il ne reste plus que le positif, cette croyance envers et contre tout que les choses vont vers le mieux dans le meilleur des mondes. Utilisons encore ces moments-ci pour nettoyer tout ce qui n'est pas en harmonie en nous et dans nos relations, et en le faisant nous rendons service à tous nos ancêtres passés avant nous qui seront libérés en même temps. N'est-ce pas une belle image? Et gardons  la vision comment nous désirons que le nouveau monde soit et reproduisons la et démontrons la dans nos pensées et actions. Nous sommes les  co-créateurs et l'univers attend notre commande.

mardi 23 octobre 2012

Lettre d'info octobre 2012

Chers amis,

Le temps passe vite, et déjà nous sommes en automne qui nous offre un si bel été indien avec des températures très agréables et le soleil qui brille sur les couleurs changeantes des feuilles … Il y a toujours pour se réjouir, ne fût ce qu'avec les yeux, et même surtout avec les yeux. Quel bonheur de les  avoir et de pouvoir reconnaître la beauté grâce à eux. Encore une raison de plus d'être dans la gratitude et de remercier notre corps, qui est notre temple, de tous les cadeaux qu'il nous offre tous  les  jours.

J'ai  envie de vous parler un peu de mon voyage en Inde avec Jasmuheen.

mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Les Chemins de la Paix 

Jasmuheen, pour l'Ambassade de la Paix

mercredi 5 septembre 2012

Lettre d'info septembre 2012

Bonjour chers amis,

J'ai  le  plaisir de  vous  envoyer une  3e lettre d'info pour cette rentrée, voilà jamais deux sans trois. Et c'est toujours un plaisir pour moi de vous  parler. J'espère que vous ayez pu profiter des belles  journées de soleil et chaleur du mois d'août et que la rentrée n'était pas trop dure, surtout que vous êtes bien reposés, n'est-ce pas?

lundi 27 août 2012

Ce joli mandala est mon logo personnel conçu par une  artiste américaine que  j'avais rencontrée à Bruxelles et qui me l'a  fait après une interview sur mon travail et ma vie. 

Elle  avait ajouté qu'il rayonne vraiment l'amour, la  liberté et la  joie. 

Et je l'adore, ce sont aussi mes  couleurs préférées. 

Et nous y avons programmé que toutes les personnes qui le regardent reçoivent cette  vibration. 


samedi 11 août 2012

Lettre d'info été 2012

Bonjour très chers amis,

Il est  temps de vous écrire, car tout doucement les vacances se terminent, et l'agenda commence  à se remplir de nouveau. J'espère  que vous ayez pu passer des moments de  silence dans la  nature, des journées sans programme, simplement dans le bonheur de l'instant présent. Notre âme aspire à  cela et nous le  demande quand  le stress  devient trop grand. Aussi notre corps nous  parle parfois, et il faut l'écouter …  C'est ce qui m'est arrivée. Alors que cela faisait longtemps que tout allait au mieux, tout d'un coup une vilaine toux m'a incommodée pendant plus ou moins un mois … Pas facile  à accepter pour moi, mais voilà encore une  occasion de faire le ménage intérieur et accueillir sans résister avec amour. Merci l'univers de me donner cette occasion et d'apprendre à avoir encore plus de compassion avec les autres qui souffrent. Comme  la vie nous montre bien le chemin.

jeudi 12 avril 2012

The game of transformation

THE GAME OF TRANSFORMATION It is a game that can change your  life. It captures the essence of the change process and puts it into the delightful form of a board game. Mirroring life with accuracy, the game moves gracefully to the heart of an issue bringing insight, clarity and resolution.It is a joyful way to discover more about yourself and others. Just as life is filled with insights, setbacks, pain and miracles, so is the Transformation Game. It mirrors players' lives with amazing accuracy: highlighting strengths, identifiying blind spots and bringing fresh perspectives to current challenges. Self discovery and growth become exciting  and fun with  this extraordinary tool of  clarification and communication.You will find new ways to enhance your relationships and recognize your personal  contribution and abilities. Discover a stress-free balance of work and play, deepen your understanding of yourself and others and receive inspiration and practical support. Whether you want to solve a problem,  look at a  relationship, or change some unproductive behavior, this  is the  game for you.Players begin by choosing a question or issue which becomes their Personal Playing Focus. Each player moves a personality marker along a Life Path on the game boaard, entering at the Physical  Level and eventually progressing through  the Emotional, Mental und Spiritual Levels. It consists of Life Angel Cards, Life Insight Cards, Life Setback Cards, Life Square  Cards,  Universal Feedback Cards, Awareness Tokens, Scorecards, Service Tokens, Pain Cards etc.For 2 to 4 players, ages teen to adult.  Samples of personal playing focus:How can I clear the strss  associated with my job?What steps can I take  in my relationship so that I feel greater satisfaction and  happiness?
I want to release  those personality blocks that keep  me from being joyful, creative  and harmonious.How can I use my time most effectively to  get my job done and feel good  too? How can I increase my financial prosperity? I want to identify and remove  the barriers that prevent me  from trusting. I intend to gain a greater understanding and move through my pattern of wanting to "fix" other people. I want to find ways to get a better  balance of work and  play so I can experience more play in my life. I intend to know and clear the obstacles  that keep me from full and creative  service to the planet. 

Erika Witthuhn
Facilitator for the Game of  Transformation, accredited by Innerlinks
Drève de  la Brise 8/2,
B 1170 Brussels, Belgium
02.6605693 or 0486.961422

Spring Newsletter

Hallo, dear friends,

It is time to send you my newsletter again. Time is flying, and we are almost at  Easter. Spring is in the air, flowers opening everywhere, daffodils, forsythia, pansies .... Magic of nature, and feeling the warmth of the sun on the skin, delicious. I am moved and permanently in gratitude.             
We did a beautiful meditation for peace last Friday, at the same time working with overcoming the sacred triangle of "saviour, victim and persecutor", into which we  still fall too easily and which has been with  us for generations. We realized it is now time to let  go of all the things that have complicated our life and to recognize  the magic of  life, the dance of  life, to lighten up and  not to take things too seriously, see the cosmic joke that  is going on and laugh at it, know that we are  in unity now  and there is no more separation. Lets not go into the scenario of drama and catastrophe in which the media  are bathing. Just be conscious and stay aligned to the Divine One Within and choose positive thoughts and radiate them out to lift up the world around  us in  love, peace  and  joy. That is our task and  our responsability. To be an example  of this  life style and not be afraid  to share it. Humanity has already take big steps forward and people are much more sensitive and open to what is going on at the moment and of the need to change. Thank goodness.

The first thing I wanted to  remind you of is JASMUHEEN's visit to Belgium. For the mini-workshop on Thursday, May 16th, at St. John's International School at Waterloo we have their theatre which has  more than 300 seats, and we can  use  their parking lot. So you can still  bring friends  at the last minute. For the retreat I now  have the  prices for boarding and food. It will  be 90 € for the three  nights and four days of the retreat, including breakfast  and vegetarian evening meal (no breakfast an Thursday and no dinner  on Sunday). If you wish to take lunch, please  let me know because the kitchen needs to prepare for it. It will be an  extra 12 €. Also  please tell  me if you want to stay extra nights, or  if you need car sharing, or if  you  do not  need any food at all. For those who already made a down payment I would like you  to pay the rest by the end of  April. Thank you very much in advance. The account no.  is  Erika Witthuhn, IBAN: BE14310081382783, BIC: BBRUBEBB. Mention your name and  retreat or mini-workshop as reference.
I attach  the flyer to the mail.
I hope to see many of  you at Jasmuheen's events. She will  not come back  so quickly, and  the last time was four years  ago. It is really worth while. Her meditations are profound and  powerful and the tools  she gives us are practical and  useful  for every day life. She is  simple, humble and in the joy of the present moment. If you do not  know her, look up her website

If you are interested in playing the GAME OF  TRANSFORMATION, for which I am  a certified focalizer, let me know. I always enjoy guiding it and especially seeing the perfect  replies people are getting for their  intentions, that help them transform their lives. I play it in English, French, Spanish and German. Find yourself partners (it is played with two, three or four people) and call me for an appointment. Reckon more or less 2 hours per person. Fee is 50 € per person.

I am  also starting a new  study group (in French) for the 12 pathways of peace which Jasmuheen has created. The first  one has almost finished, we are  at no. 11, only one more to go, and it has been a fascinating  adventure with a group  of 20 people. The first evening of the  new  group will be on Wednesday 18 April at 7.30 p.m. at my place. Moreover I am available  for individual consulting.

Meanwhile  I am wishing you Happy Easter and enjoy the beauty of nature in spring time. I shall take a holiday in Denmark with part of my German family. I will be  back right after Easter. Don't forget that we  all  have  the responsibility to radiate out love and light into the world and put a lot of joy into our lives. Lets keep our vision of  a  better world that we want to create together in unity of all of life and in harmony with the universe, the galaxies and our inter-dimensional connections.

Love, peace  and joy

samedi 28 janvier 2012

returning to Belgium in 2012, after some years of absence, with

the ingredients to promote Personal and Planetary Peace

One of the most fulfilling journeys a soul can make while  anchored in the plane of duality is awareness of, and full reconnection and perfect union with their I AM essence. Yet unity consciousness allows us to feel-sense that essence as being everywhere, within and  around us, part of the very fabric of creation - like the  baseline frequency of life. Apart from being able to nourish us physically via its cosmic micro-food flow, it also aligns us to a rhythm of such peace and contentment that we find ourselves forever transformed. Its  ability to love, guide, heal and nourish us completely, is natural yet profound. It reveals itself in its own way, in its own time, when the energy streams can match it within us and around us, and  yet we are never separate from it, it is always there, just its volume alters, the strength or subtlety with which it flows. 

There will be a conference/mini-workshop on Wednesday, 16 May, 2012 from 6 to 10 p.m. in Brussels (place to be confirmed), fee  33 € and
an Intensive Residential Retreat from Thursday 17 May 2012, 11 a.m. until Sunday 20 May 2012, 5 p.m. at the Centre Radhadesh, Petite Somme 5, 6940 Septon (Durbuy). Fee 440€, plus cost of lodging and food.

Information and Registration:
Erika  Witthuhn + Drève de la  Brise 8/2, 1170 Brussels +
tel. 02.6605693 or 0486.961422, mail:
Katheline Bouchery, tél. 0497.258981, mail: