mercredi 25 novembre 2020

A bit of encouragement for these times

by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in November 20, 2020 (

This is the nature of a global, dark night of soul, and it is what happens during a major shift of an age. This is what is going on within you right now. This is what is going on outside of you in the world right now. It is why everything feels so chaotic, out of balance and filled with looping themes. It feels insane, confusing, deeply triggering, and even enraging. It is all part of the process. This is a hard journey that we are in together. It can be mind and soul bending, but we are going to see this through ... because the only way out of this is through it.

"When we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey." ~ Wendell Berry

The Star Elders say (when we are in a dark night of the soul) "The truth will be as lies, and the lies will be as truths." This is the nature of a global dark night of soul ... to not know which way is up. Nearly everything transmitted out into the world, in all forms of media, communication, platforms, social media, others opinions, etc..., is simply contaminated. Some of this information will resonate with you, because there will be some elements of truth within, making it easier to accept it as whole truth. But the fact is that nearly everything, in all forms, will also have woven within it elements of twisted untruths, miscommunications, denials, biases, and even some controlling agendas. Memory and consciousness will also get strange. We might remember details or events that we had with others that never happened, and vice versa. Our dream time might feel more real than when we are awake. Most of this disorientation to actual truth is simply innocent as the confusion and the dissolution of this closing age is effecting the consciousness of every living human being is some way or another.

In this global dark night of the soul, it is normal to experience levels of truth that are twisted beyond recognition by the grip of dying, past programs and out of date, social perspectives. This is a time where we are standing on "reality quicksand!" In order not to drown, most of us will gravitate toward a perspective, or theme, based on our life experience, belief system and biases that may or may not create a blindness to the actual truth that resides hidden within all this chaos. This gives us a temporary, faux life line to hang onto. We may find ourselves quickly and adamantly defending ourselves for our beliefs and biases without taking a breath and thinking it all through. I bet that some of you have had the experience of getting triggered by something that you were reading; then you quickly reposted it, only to discover that you had read it through your anxiety and fear and gotten the message all wrong. Most beings are working really hard to stay balanced and in control of reality. As we attempt to hold on, we become an over-reactive, collective consciousness. This is dangerous to our spiritual centeredness and balance.

The fact is, there really is no control in a true dark night of an age, and this is how we truly know that this is what is happening in our world today. This time can only offer us a scary and deep free fall into the great unknown. So please be gentle with yourself. Be gentle to people you can no longer have a civil conversation with right now, because they are hanging on the best they can, as are you. Even if we are all divided in ways that we could have never imagined before, we are still ONE, and we are ALL part of the human race. This is all a normal part of the process.

During this time, there will be many tsunami-like waves rushing through your reality. It will be normal and even expected to feel all-encompassing, self-doubt in so many ways and directions that it will be mind and soul bending. A dark night can and will be devastating to your ego and your old reality. But this isn't just a personal dark night of the soul; it is a global one bringing debilitating collective confusion. This is what happens when there are uncountable and highly polarizing rabbit holes for us to fall into out there. The fact is that we will not be able to find lasting truth outside of ourselves right now. Universal truth is never found externally from you in the first place.

In a dark night of the soul, what happens is that most every door of possibility will close, and only one small door is left open into a new reality. It is like finding a needle in a hay stack. This reminds me of the parable ... "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God". Of course, this was written a long time ago in a very different world. But there is still truth here. Now we know money isn't evil. But it is the power, greed, selfishness, and corruption that can go with material wealth that is evil, especially when it is in the hands of ones who are not living from their center. It also asks the question that if we have a lot to hold onto in this life, would we make the leap through the eye of a needle into the new, elevated realty, or would we hang back and hold on to our material possessions?

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Especially now, everything outside of yourself is contaminated truths and old system biases that are all grasping to hold on while dying, and our global reactions are reflecting this. There is no reliable support out there. But you got this! You really do! You WILL find it within yourself, as you examine and exhaust all external alternatives. All you need is to return to your center orientation point, and surf the center of this storm that we are in. Inside, you already know what to do. So do it. Be it! The really funny thing is that when we come out on the other side of this, we will wonder how we navigated it at all, and have a good laugh together. We will be in awe of how we survived intact, and our lives will be on a new, upgraded trajectory.

So here are a couple of guidelines for keeping your center, and ascertaining truth in a world that is quite literally bonkers right now ...

Be honest with yourself.
Be clear about what you are feeling in each moment and why. If you can own where your emotions are at in each moment, even if it argues with your positive, spiritual beliefs, this time will be much easier to navigate. Be clear about what is triggering you deeply, and ask yourself why. Feeling your challenging emotions will not set you back spiritually, but it will create more space within you for the light. Magic and wisdom is born within us when we are impeccable and truthful with ourselves.

Forgive yourself and learn from this time.
Before we are completely through this transfiguration process, we will most likely fall down a few more of those darn intriguing, polarizing and biased rabbit holes. When we do, we learn from the fall, and we will feel what it does to our energy fields and our hearts. Don't judge yourself for falling down. We always come back to center after we have learned and processed from a wrong turn. A dark night of the soul tempers the light within with many tests, and the end result we will be brighter. See this time as just a series of tests; crazy and hard, but tests.

Be discerning and present in each moment.
There are external truth needles out there lost in the haystack ... but we need to be more discerning than ever before. This we know for sure ... Ascended Masters, Messengers, Teachers, and other beings of the light want you to rise up and be sovereign and victorious. They will never tell you what to think or what to do, as this only disempowers us and hampers our awakening, ascension and from seeing the clear path into the next cycle. As we search for answers, they may offer perspectives, insights and guidance to help you empower yourself to make wise choices. They will rarely, if ever, predict a future event. They know the future is created in each moment collectively, and there is no time. They know that if they make a prediction, you will only look for that, and overlook the uncountable opportunities out in front of you, because you were blinded by the prediction. Predictions can only be based on the many possible future trajectories (a.k.a. assumptions) by the tracking of lines between the past and the current moment. I know you don't want to bet your life on an assumption. It helps if we all stay centered in our inner experience by living in each moment, and, at this point, don't get ahead of ourselves. Be present.

US and THEM mentality is not light.
Also, and most important, Ascended Masters, Messengers, Teachers, and other beings of light will never share anything that would lead you into fear or polarize you in any way. The US and THEM mentality does not come from the light. They know that when anyone is in fear, confusion, or are triggered or polarized, they are unable to access their inner truth. When that happens, you are easily controlled by the gasping and lingering forces of the past age.

Processing grief is not selfish. It is self-care.
Don't think that the waves of grief that you feel are selfish. We are saying goodbye to an entire age. Grief and sadness is an important part of this. All that is happening now, the confusion, the muddled reality, and the loss that we are processing, needs to be grieved. But we are seeing a few gains, and they are increasing in number, triggered by frequencies coming from the new cycle of creation that we began in 2012. We are simply moving from linear creation into a spherical-based creation. We will let go of “forced” creating, and we will move into creating by "attraction". We will quit forcing our personal agendas, and we will move into empowering our collective will together.

So right now, take a deep breath and let out a monumental sigh.... Know that we all are a perfect reflection of God morphing into something more fulfilling and uplifting that we cannot imagine just yet. But we will.


"Sadness is NOT a happiness deficiency. It is how the heart adjusts to loss, and releases imagine patterns of attachment. Every time sadness arrives, the body has an emotional garage sale. It releases what is no longer needed for the journey ahead, and clears the space to welcome in what your entire life has prepared you to find. - true happiness." ~ Matt Khan

"Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. This will miraculously transform your whole life." ~ Eckhart Tolle

"Stay in your center and be still within your neutral cosmic orientation point until the new world rises up around you." ~ The Star Elders.

"The ego says, I shouldn't have to suffer, and that thought makes you suffer so much more. It is a distortion of the truth, which is always paradoxical. The truth is that you need to say yes to suffering before you can transcend it." ~ Eckart Tolle

samedi 14 novembre 2020

info novembre 2020 - je n'ai pas pu envoyer à tout le monde ...

Bonjour chers amis,
Voilà que nous sommes arrivés au mois de novembre et encore dans ces drôle de circonstances Covid que l’on nous octroie par tous les gouvernements du monde entier plus ou moins de la même façon ! Et malgré tout, rien n’est décidé, tout est encore en mouvement. Ne vous laissez pas leurrer, gardez la foi et sachez que tout va pour le mieux.
J’ai envie de vous partager un channeling de Marie Johanne Croteau du Canada,  qui me paraît tellement juste, reçu hier : "La Liberté appartient aux briseur de rondes, petite soeur.
La Grâce vient d’une germination dans les coeurs qui acceptent d’être « en chantier « . C’est cela grandir, même le prix vous parait lourd.
Vois-tu …? Entends-tu, toi qui questionne … qui désespère ?
Le Plan pour la terre vole plus haut que tous les rôles joués par les « politicos » et les « pouvoireux » de ce monde. Le Plan, le Seul … est vu d’en-haut … si haut que vous ne soupçonnez même pas encore toute l’étendue de sa vision en altitude …. Tant sa subtilité est divine. Vous êtes encore trop aveuglés pour y voir clair. Vous n'avez même pas en vous toutes les zones cognitives pour comprendre ce qui est en train de se jouer « de par le Grand Balancier Cosmique ».
Non, la Terre ne sera pas sauvé par des élections … ni par des chefs d’Etat, ni par des guerres. Car ça, c’est de « l’hommerie » dans son côté des plus obscur — des plus vils, des plus avides. Que du vent et du vent qui sent très mauvais! C’est là qui vous fait si mal… qui vous déchire et vous entretient dans une dualité qui transpire, qui est contagieuse, qui vous maintient dans la dispersion, la désunion et la peine. A chaque fois que vous manifestez le plus lourd en vous, vous y perdez votre rayonnement et votre énergie vitale…
L’état d’unité, hommes, est l’aïeule force ! Actuellement vous vivez tous des « petits morts » au quotidien, des vraies pertes d’êtres chers, des trahisons graves. D’amitié. Ou de fraternité,  des scissions mêmes familiales… Vous ne vous êtes jamais sentis si seuls, aussi blessés, aussi déçus…Sortez votre tête de cette vase mondiale.
C’est urgent … détachez-vous de vos attentes envers vos dirigeants…Ils ne sont hélas pas dignes de votre confiance. Ils n’ont pas d’amour en eux, pas d’âmes. Ils sont incapables  de compassion et encore moins d’empathie… vous le voyez tous les jours dans chacune de leurs décisions. Qu’espérez-vous d’eux? Etre sauvés? Etre compris, être entendus? Non, ils ne sont pas vos « alliés » et ne le seront jamais…
Tenez bon ! Tenez bon en regardant vers le haut et en étant droits dans vos coeurs.
La Terre et tous les règnes qui y vivent … seront sauvés par l’intelligence des âmes, la pureté des coeurs et des consciences multipliées, et la Grande Alliance … tous unis pour un respect de la Vie et du Sacré …pour tout ce qui y vit … pour tout ce qui est animé d’un principe vivant, d’un Souffle,
UN VRAI SOUFFLE PUR qui soulèvera tous les aimants de cette Terre. Une marche quantique pourra alors se dessiner … et seulement à ce moment-là.
C’est sur cela … et CE en quoi vous devez absolument garder Espoir. Ne laissez plus les mensonges vous atteindre. Apprenez à parler la langue du Coeur, de la Guérison et celle des Etoiles.
Descendez donc dans vos poitrines afin que le Mur de vos incohérences soit enfin abattu pour faire place à du meilleur …
Pour le moment c’est le chaos, la lourdeur, l’hypocrisie, le mal. … et vous devez élever vos vibrations et vous parfaire, un par un… tel un cristal.
Allons, relevez-vous … « Le ciel a-t-il une préférence pour le faucon ou la colombe? »
Il y  a encore des incontournables virages sur votre route, mais ils sont motivés par « quelque chose » qui vous dépasse. Pourtant. En vous, les consciences tissent leur fils…
L’Amour demande de faire des grands sauts dans le vide. …pour autrui et pour soi. De Son Audace vous grandirez et tout changera… abattez, amis, le mur de vos incohérences et de vos divisions. Et souvenez-vous que le déséquilibre se joue toujours à deux.
Nous ne pouvons t’en dire plus … aujourd’hui .
Soyez des rassembleurs de Paix et d’altitude. Vous, nous, et Nous. Confiance ! Courage! Et Audace !
Nous sommes avec vous … plus que vous ne le croyez !
Message reçu le 8 novembre. 2020 - Quebec par écriture automatique.
Mais oui, il faut voir plus loin, savoir que nous sommes tous divins, qu’il y a une grande conscience qui est là avec nous, avec laquelle nous sommes tous connectés, qui nous rappelle que nous ne sommes pas seuls, que tout est divin et que le divin est en chacun et en chaque chose. Tout est juste et a un sens, même si nous ne pouvons pas encore le voir. On nous a toujours dit que dans ce nouveau monde auquel nous aspirons tant  et que nous désirons créer, tout sera différent et nous ne pouvons pas faire de projections, tous nos repères devront changer. Alors faisons confiance, ne nous laissons pas leurrer par ce que l’on nous raconte dans les médias courants, ou l’on veut encore nous faire peur. Tout ce que nous pouvons faire est d’y croire, de savoir que tout est pour le mieux et de rayonner notre plus haute vibration et notre paix intérieure autour de nous pour le bien commun, être convaincu qu’ensemble nous sommes forts et pouvons y arriver. Méditons beaucoup, avec les mantras suivants, à l’inspir toujours JE SUIS et à l’expir AMOUR, ETERNEL et INFINI à tour de rôle. Joignons-nous aux méditations universelles qui se font actuellement. Promenez-vous dans la nature tous les jours - moi, je suis dans la Forêt de Soignes tous les jours pendant deux heures - et connectez-vous avec les esprits de la nature. Respirez le bon air, soyez en gratitude, partagez de bons moments avec vos bien-aimés !!! Ecoutez les scientifiques qui vous disent la vérité sur cette soi-disant très dangereuse maladie! Nous nous préparons à sortir de la zone de la dualité pour rentrer dans la matrice de la liberté, un réseaux énergétique qui se répand dans toute la vie vers les règnes d’unité.
Et voici je vous donne le calendrier des activités pour ce mois-ci (y inclus les dates de décembre) :
Liège : chez Stefania Pastechia, rue Haute Préalle 178, 4040 Herstael , 0496.395035, dimanche 15 novembre à 15h (13 décembre 2020 à 15h). Veuillez lui téléphoner pour annoncer votre présence.
Bruxelles: chez moi, Drève de la Brise 8/2, 1170 Bruxelles, 0486.961422, lundi 16 novembre  2020, à 19h (lundi 14 décembre à 19h) - méditation et partage - et lundi 23 novembre 2020 à 19h (lundi 7 décembre 2020 à 19h) enseignement des Sentiers de la Paix - manuel de Jasmuheen.
Si vous avez envie de jouer un jeu de la transformation avec moi, nous pourrons toujours fixer une date.
Amour, Paix et Joie
Drève de la. Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles