lundi 27 mars 2017

Newsletter spring 2017

Dear friends,

Here we  are in spring, and all of nature is regenerating. I love observing nature, listening to the  song of the birds, admiring the flowers in the gardens, parks, roundabouts of Brussels and on my own balcony. Nature is  the best artist of all. All these colors and shades of fresh green. I am awed.

The  year started off very well. I love the encounters in my monthly groups of  sharing  and  meditation in Brussels  and  Liège, where new people turn up every time. It is  good to come together with people  of the  same  mind, to feel understood and be  able to express what we  cannot always do in our normal environment. And also to know that we are all supporting each  other. 

I  have already been traveling twice this  year, to Norway - where the purpose  was to see the Northern  Lights on the Lofoten Islands, something  which I had been dreaming about for  a long time. However, it kept snowing all the time and there were strong winds so that we never saw any. l
was not really disappointed because the landscape there was so beautiful and impressive, almost mystique with the snow and the silence. We went out on a boat to see the  white sea eagles and other animals, which was amazing. And we stayed in former fishermen's houses that  were  very comfortable and had a fireplace for burning wood. The air was  pure, and the water was transparent. So really all was  very well, and then I went to Oslo to meet my friend Dafne and stayed with her for 3 days. She introduced me to  her friends, and  we had profound conversations. What always enchants  me in the Scandinavian countries is the light and  the  beauty everywhere. 
The second trip took me to Mexico, Chiapas,  a  beautiful mountainous  area, the town of San Cristobal de  la Casas, where I was invited to work with a group of people, some  of whom  I had met  at a retreat with Jasmuheen at Cancun a couple of years  ago. I gave a talk and a workshop on pranic  consciousness which both went very well with people who were very motivated and wanted to grow and had an  open heart. I love doing this work and sharing my wisdom and knowledge. And  there will be more journeys of this kind this year. 

As  to my regular activities in Belgium I have fixed the dates taking into account my trips. For the group in Brussels one Monday per month at my home at 7 pm, the dates are 24 April, 15 May,  19 June, 17 July. I also add the dates until the end of the year, but they might be changed because of my travels  and will need to be  confirmed : 21 August, 18 September, 16 October, 27 November and  18 December.
And  for the group in Liège, one Sunday afternoon per month at 3 pm at Stefania Pastecchia's place, Rue Haute Préalle 178, 4040 Herstal - 0496.395035 - Sunday 23 April, 14 May, 11 June. For the second  part of the year there might also  be changes and they need to be confirmed. But so  far they are : 23 July, 20 August, 17 September, 15 October, 26 November and  17 December 2017.

I also  remind you that I can accompany you as a guide in the Game of Transformation - certified by Innerlinks - which is a beautiful tool of transformation. You will find an explanation on my blog "". I also used it with the  group in Mexico…

I will also travel again with JASMUHEEN this year, which  was  not the case last year because she  had taken a sabbatical. But we are always in contact with each other through WhatsApp.  I will join her at the Peace Ambassador Retreat in China and  a few days in Tibel immediately afterwards, and also for  another  retreat at Brasilia in November (see  the details on  her website and  also on my blog. And I shall also  participate again as  last  year as a presenter at the Pranic Festival at Coccore from 1 to 8 June, organised  by Nicolas Pilartz. Come and  join us there. Look it up on facebook. 

You have probably noticed that many people are being shaken at the moment by challenges in health, emotions and so on and that in the old political, economic, educational structures it is not really harmony prevailing. That means that changes are accelerating, the consciousness of humanity has  increased, too, and more and more  people realize that it  is important to evolve and take responsibility  for what is going on around us and  inside of us, to let  go of  the  old and go with the flow towards the new world that  we desire so much. Let us finish feeling sorry for ourselves and being  the  victim. This is not appropriate any more. The light is shining more and  more and darkness has  to leave. Let us  live in the present moment and  celebrate the  divine  life, everyone in their own way. Lets simplify life, see the good  in everything instead  of criticizing. Everyone does their best, and we are all different and at the same time all one, all connected to all. No more separation. And each  one of us has to find their own vocation inside. And let us  put into practice what we know in theory.

Love, peace and  joy