jeudi 15 avril 2010


Jasmuheen for the Embassy of Peace

Simplistically, there are two pools of energy within every human being that are connected with our ability to enjoy pranic living.

The first pool of energy or inner pool is the essence of an energy that is filled with love and wisdom, an energy with a consciousness that is here to experience life in the plane of duality.

Around this pulse of light or pure pool of energy is another pool of energy that represents our personality in this plane.

This outer pool represents that which we have become since birth due to our environmental and cultural conditioning and experiences.

To enjoy pranic living and the freedoms it brings – such as deep contentment, freedom from all hungers and permanent peace – we need to turn our 5 senses inward, and focus on, and get to know, and then completely merge with that pure inner pool.

Because of the purity of this inner pool, as it grows and floods through the outer pool and then radiates through our Being into the world, we become free of many limitations.

Also … as it grows and pulses out through us it nourishes us on all levels so that we no longer have any physical, emotional, mental and spiritual hungers.

This is because of the type of energy this inner pool is.

Some call it Divine.

If we ignore it, this pool still pulses away silently within us, providing the life force fuel for our existence, as the outer world continues to absorb and challenge us.

Ignoring this inner pulse keeps our brain wave pattern in the Beta energy pulse and our lives go through the normal ups and downs of existence until eventually, for various reasons, the physical system breaks down and dies.

Then this pure inner pool of energy no longer has a form to surround it and so it is freed to be magnetized back to the realm of existence it descended from. What it does then is another discussion for another time.

However if we can also do as the ancient Yogi’s of India suggest, and turn our attention on this inner pool, and ask to feel its love, and know and be its wisdom, and to experience all of its gifts.

If this IS a sincere heartfelt intention, then the Universal Law of Resonance will respond to do exactly as we have intended.

This is just science where like attracts like and the more we focus on something, the more it grows in energy terms.

Whenever a human being seeks to experience the purest aspect of their nature in a way that is beneficial to all, they are universally supported.

This inner pool of energy holds many gifts. Jesus called it the Kingdom of Heaven within us. Buddha calls it the Pureland, but it is known by many other names - chi, prana, universal life force, Ka and more.
Whatever we name it, this pure inner pool of energy is shared by every sentient being.
It is big and strong in some people, smaller with a weaker pulse in others, depending on how we spend our time.

The bigger it is, the more gifts we can receive from it. In esoteric circles the goal of many is to make its pulse so big and strong that we enter into a state of perfect inner harmony. This is where the outer personality pool is completely flooded by, and absorbed into, the inner pool, so that the human system experiences again its natural clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentient abilities plus much more.

In this state of merging, or when the pulse of the inner pool is strong, and more dominant than the outer pool, we also get the freedom to choose where we wish to take our physical body nourishment from. i.e. prana or cosmic particles.

Prana has been called the microfood of life, according to, “prana is the vital air, or breath, of the human body, as visualized in Hinduism. It is also interpreted as the vital, life-sustaining force of both the individual body and the universe. Its first expounding came in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and reliant on the mind.”

The idea of prana as nourishment has been around since the dawn of time. Universal Mind and its Akashic records, share that there was a time where all beings were sustained from the pranic forces. Pranic nourishment is the ability to attract and then absorb - from the universal life force - all the nutrients, vitamins and nourishment one requires to maintain a healthy physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being.

Pranic living is about releasing and strengthening a natural inner resource so that the human system needs to consume less of the world’s resources.

This means we have access to a supplementary fuel source so that we as individuals and a planet can operate more efficiently on all levels.

In the long term this means far less damage to our environment plus a huge impact on the global warming issues as we learn to feed ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually from a source we all carry within.

Although we are rarely educated in the West, to be aware of pranic living benefits, the Yogi’s of India have known of this pure internal nourishment source and utilized it successfully for thousands of years.

Now millions of people in the West have also become aware of this pure inner pool and meditate on its existence regularly using a multitude of access techniques.

Via their meditations, this pool of energy has grown steadily, to then change their brain wave patterns from Beta to Alpha and Theta and sometimes Delta frequency. This change in brain wave patterns has been medically proven to
1. Enhance mental alertness so that we find more creative solutions and resolutions to problems.
2. Increase physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing and feelings of inner peace
3. Enhance our inner virtues of altruism and compassion.
4. Improve physical body performance and longevity and health plus much more.

At the Embassy of Peace our experiential research has shown that this pure inner pool of energy grows by
a) Our recognition of it and our focus upon it and
b) By the way we spend our time i.e. our day to day lifestyle.

Personally I have found that a strong pure inner pool of energy allows us to enter into a state of deep contentment and permanent peace with a life filled with gratitude and grace.

Please refer to the 8 point Luscious Lifestyle Program videos under our Personal Harmonization Playlist if increasing the pulse of and experiencing more of this pure inner pool of energy within you is of interest to you. Also, please do your own research on the benefits of meditation and also watch our YouTube video “Meditation Magic”.

"Pranic Living" was written and produced with Love, light and laughter, by Jasmuheen - Ambassador of Peace