mercredi 26 août 2015

Info letter autumn 2015

Dear friends,

I  am happy to be in contact with you  again after my hip operation in June. Thanks  to  all of you who prayed for me. Everything went very well, and I am in good  shape, having  taken  up fitness, aquagym and qi gong again, and driving my car. The best thing is to feel in total balance again. I surprised the doctors at the hospital again with my life style and the rapid healing of my body. I was  the  only person in the hospital who refused to take medication, except anasthesia, of course. And at the  same time  I was happy to see the openness of the medical staff. I was very well looked after. Also my Godchild Friederike had taken two weeks of unpaid leave to be with me. 
And the day she left I could walk without crutches. 

One month after the operation we celebrated the wedding of one of my great-nieces in Germany. I went to Hamburg by plane and I even danced as I had  promised her. I am so grateful for all the gifts that life presents me with all the  time. And, of course, it is also thanks to my life path and my spiritual practice every day that is indispensable and will always continue. It is this discipline that nourishes me in the real sens of the word and  which allows  me to live on light or prana, even with making small exceptions when I sometimes eat a little for pleasure and sharing with family and friends and  for social reasons, such a lot of life turns around eating.

I wish to share with you again the delicious life style in eight points which Jasmuheen recommends and that consists of 1. meditation, 2. prayer, 3. mind mastery -  meaning to give priority to love in everything we do or think - , 4. silence in nature - to resource and regenerate ourselves - . 5. selfless service for the common good, 6. physical exercise - find something that you like doing -, 7. sacred music - listen to or practice, 8. light diet- preferably vegetarian, then passing to vegan, raw food, liquid and finally pranic nourishment. 
And at the same time it is really a matter of consciousness. When we enter into the state of pure  consciousness - through our spiritual path and daily practice of this life style - we can receive this gift because we are no longer dependent on outer things to  bring us into this state of pure joy, peace and love that is inside and  never leaves us. It also can bring us perfect health, rejuvenation, regeneration if we change our beliefs about old  age that society has put on us and  simply delete them and replace them by our own values, knowing that all is very well in our world and that we are never victims, and that challenges are there to be overcome and that we can be co-creators of the new world as we want it. It is up to us to change our attitudes towards other human beings and circumstances that we cannot change. We can believe that everyone  is doing their best in the moment, that we are all different and yet all connected and of the same human family. As Nassim  Haramein says that even  science has proved that everything in the  universe  is  connected. 

This is  just to remind  you that everything is possible, and  it is  up to us every day to choose whether we  want to be happy  or unhappy. And you know what I have chosen. And  if I can do it, you can do it, too …

I hope you are still enjoying  your  holidays and  that you have taken time  out to look  after yourself, simply live the present moment in joy without thinking of the past (guilt) or future (fear). Just take refuge in nature, breathe deeply, let go and see the beauty in everyone  and everything,  not taking things personally, sing, dance and  smile  at  life. And above all don't take life seriously, just observe the  games people  are playing, go back to  simplicity, honesty and being yourself. Lots of things  are changing at the moment for the better, even if  you do not read  it in the media. And I  know that you all contribute to it by your light and  your  beingness. Don't forget how magnificent you are. 

Our meetings of meditation and sharing at my place will continue  once a month on Monday  evening at 7 pm. They are open to all, bring  your friends. The dates are Monday, 14 September, 12 October, 16 November, 14 December. Your  contribution 5 €. See the  address below. They take about 2 hours. 

As to the group  in Liège, it will change. We are thinking about doing a whole day every now and again with several focalisers. I will keep you informed. 
Also as usual I am there for you also individually or to guide you through the Game of Transformation (I am  accredited  by Innerlinks). For details  see my blog "". Participation 50 € per person, serving a humanitarian project in Brasil. 

JASMUHEEN will do her annual retreat for the Embassy of Peace this  autumn in Sardinia from 24 to 28 September at Carlos V Hotel, Alghero. For details go to her website  "". I shall be there, too. For her other workshops in Europe this autumn see her website. Next year  she will take a sabbatical and only go to China where she is very much in demand. If you are interested in  her meditations you will find a lot of them in different languages on  UTube. 

My friend,  Dominique Brodkom, organises a little concert in her house at Terdellestraat  2, 1560 Hoeilaart, on Wednesday 26 August at 7.30pm with my friend Tristan  Driessen who plays the oud - a Turkish instrument. Some of you might  have met him when he came to my house  last year. I join the invitation. If you are interested please  let me  know, because places  are  limited. 

I will travel to Israel in  October with Kryon and  the Lemurian choir hoping to contribute  to more  peace  in the Middle East. 
Love, Peace  and Joy