dimanche 17 août 2014

Info letter 08/2014

Dear friends,

A lovely walk early in  the morning in the woods close by where I live, in walking distance, being in silence in nature, that is my nourishment at the moment which inspires  me and regenerates me, especially in the more difficult moments, like the one I had to go through recently with my car  accident. I have been shaken physically and transcendentally and have been led to put  myself into question again. I have always said that I was living in paradise on earth, and that has not changed.
And at the same time I had to  accept  that sometimes there are challenges in our lives that make us grow and show us that there are still things to improve, to go beyond. Living in consciousness also means that I could have chosen not to take my car to Liège on the day after my return from a long journey from the North of  California to Brussels with  a  time difference of 10 hours. Perhaps I am not the "superwoman" that I sometimes wanted to show off and have to accept that I need to respect my limits. To understand that sometimes reason has its place, too, and that both, reason and heart, work together. A bit more humility ...

And on the other hand I  have received so much grace, in the way things happened. When I realized what was happening to  me I immediately asked my angels and guides and invisible helpers to be  there with me and to  get me out of  it in the best possible way. I was  not afraid at all, I was completely in the present moment, as an observer. I could see that all the cars on the motorway had stopped with blinking  lights, and I said to myself, that they were stopping others from passing bye ... Someone helped me out of my car and  led me to theirs to wait for the ambulance. I spoke to the police who wanted to make me blow into that little tube for the alcohol. I was present  and at the same time in another state, like profoundly in myself, in contact with my soul, calm. And I stayed in the same state during my time at the hospital. I did not want to talk much, I just rang up a few close friends and my family with my own phone. The verdict was a broken left clavicule, a few broken ribs, bruises all over my body, my lung slightly perforated. The staff  at the hospital was  very respectful, my request not to eat and take  any medecine was accepted without questioning. My values in the medical tests were excellent right  from the beginning, and the doctors were visibly amazed,  but  did not ask any questions. Also whereas my car was ready to be demolished the other car was not much damaged, and the driver only had a  bleeding nose. So I  did not need to feel guilty. My health  improved so fast that they sent me home after three days. And since I needed help with getting dressed and washed there were friends and family  who moved in until I was independent again. I am so filled with gratitude to have received so much help from the invisible realms and physical persons, from those who came to see me, those who called or sent love and  healing and blessings. It was like balm for  my soul. 

And what is my learning from all this? To live still more in the present moment, in consciousness and alignment to the Divine  One Within. To see that every moment,  every place, every person is sacred, that we are all one family in unity with all of life, there is no separation. We are  here to live together in peace and love, respecting each other, without judgment, seeing the God in everyone. Accept also that every individual lives in their own kingdom, and we can only access that through honest communication. We cannot know what is good for the other one unless we ask. What seemed to come up, too, was letting go  of the past, of all the old paradigms that are not valid  any more. Everything  is  changing for the better and we cannot know in which way, because this has  never happened before. We just need to open up and welcome whatever  comes. And even if there is still a lot of  violence going on in certain parts of the world, let us not overreact or condemn, just send a lot of love, for it is also part of the changes, and there is still so much fear and victim consciousness, wanting to dominate. We know that love is the answer and the greatest power on earth. And each time we are in doubt, let us ask "what would  love do?" For what we resist persists. Let us go  more inside, be authentic and live our truth, let us be a living example of the world that we want to create and celebrate life. 

Another message for me was to really let go, first of my car (which some people say is like our skin), then I changed my internet provider which meant I had to change my e-mail  address and my telephone land  line, my Belgian identity card had run out ... looks like there is some new stuff in the air. And that was also the message we  had  worked with during our reunion with the Lemurian choir at  Mount Shasta. Let go and let God ...

I am  afraid this  info letter has become quite a  personal message, and I hope you do not mind. I really felt I needed to share  my feelings with you. And  I am happy to say that I have recovered well, and when I went to the hospital last Monday for a check-up the doctor was so impressed with my progress and said he had rarely seen anything like it, that I did  not have to come back, could start to exercise again. So I went to  aquagym today, and it was such a good feeling to be able to do it all. My body felt so happy. I shall wait a little longer for tennis, though, but have started on fitness, too. And walking was possible anyway since I left the hospital. And  I shall buy a new car in September when the new Twingo  comes out !!

I hope you have had or are still  having happy holidays and enjoying free time to regenerate and  recover from stress. Enjoy the rest of it, sing, dance, be creative. And now get your agenda out for writing down the dates for the activites from September onwards until the end of the year.

Starting  with a  weekend "At the Heart  of the Presence" with Oberom C. Silva, Erika Witthuhn and Candice Albertini from 5 to 7 September at Liège, organized by Florine Thomas. 
Oberom and Erika are both living on prana. That  means that they are nourished mainly by Prana, chi, the Divine Breath, the energy of life and not physical food any more. During the weekend they will share their  experience, their path and their inspiration through  different activities, e.g.  guided meditations, dance of emotions, games etc. We shall also have the young and explosive Candice Albertini who has learned to find the life in physical nourishment. She will propose to discover the basics of living  nourishment through a simple and colourfull  culinary workshop to help you adopt at your rhythm a food rich in living products of quality. There will also be yoga sessions with Oberom, Satsang (with Oberom and  Erika), groups of sharing with questions and  answers and  practical  exercises.  
There will be a presentation "Living  on Prana in daily life" with Oberom on Friday evening   5 September from 7 to 9 pm, 15 €
Weekend Prana, 6  and 7 September from 9.30 am to 5 pm, 140 € for both days or 80 € for one day and 145 € weekend and presentation.
It will take place at 20, rue de la Justice at 4420 Saint-Nicolas (Liège)

For reservation  please write to Florine <florine.tomas@gmail.com> and  make a  transfer of at least half the amount  before August 25 to her account Florine Thomas BE08 7320 1386 7213

Please indicate your  name and  christian name and which part of the weekend you want to participate in : one day, two days, weekend and presentation, presentation

Here we go with the groups that I focalise in Brussels (at my home) or at Liège (20, rue de la Justice, 4420 St.Nicolas (Liège) once a month: 

Group of Monday, which is a group of sharing and meditation with different subjects, questions and answers, open to suggestions or contributions of the participants
15 September, 6  October, 10 November, 8  December 2014 at 7.30pm, fee 5 €

Group of Wednesday "Pathways of Peace" according to Jasmuheen
17 September, 8 October,  12 November, 10 December 2014 at 7 pm, fee  5 €

Group of Sunday afternoon at Liège "Pathways of Peace" according to Jasmuheen
21 September, 5 October, 16 November, 14 December at 3pm, fee 10 €, preceded by a session of dance - if you want - focalised by Florine and Adrien, fee 5 €

I also remind  you that I am available to focalise a Game of Transformation with you, a beautiful tool of evolution that comes from Findhorn. Details on  my blog, address below. It can be played with two to  four persons, and the fee is 50 €  per person. 

As to the classes of Qi Gong with Jean-Michel Vandergoten, please let me know whether you are interested because he will only do them  if people promise to be regular. 

Please notice also my new  e-mail address and tel.  no. below.

Love,  peace and  joy

Drève de la  Brise 8/2
1170 Brussels
02.6729684 or 0486.961422