lundi 21 janvier 2019
1st Pranic / Breatharian Festival in Australia!
PRANIC FESTIVAL / FESTIVAL PRANIQUE Vivre de Lumiere, Living on light, Vivre seulement d'air, Living only from Breath... Grace Love, Emanuelle Jones and I are pleased to introduce you to the 1st Pranic / Breatharian Festival in Australia!
Nous sommes heureux de vous presenter le premier festival Pranique / Respirien en Australie!
Date: 12-14 April 2019 in Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Australia!
Some breatharians from the entire world will be with us sharing the possibility of living on light / air / prana / chi / qi!
Nicolas Pilartz, Surhajia Raffaella Galoppi, Erika Witthuhn, Elitom El-amin, Ray Maor, Jasmuheen, Sofia Waapiti Raa will be our main breatharians speakers for the event!! Des respiriens du monde entier seront parmi nous afin de partager leur experience et la possibilite de vivre de Lumiere, d'Air, de Prana, de Chi ou de Qi
Please watch this video, check our official website below and book your tickets if you are interested like us to discover a different way of living on our planet Earth!
Regardez cette video, notre site internet et bookez vos tickets afin de venir decouvrir une differente maniere de vivre sur notre planete Terre!
Festival site:
You can book your tickets here
Facebook organizer: Emmanuel Goubert de Cauville
12-14 April 2019 in Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, Australia