Dear friends,
Another year has gone bye, faster and faster, and not without obstacles for all of us. We are challenged inside and outside, needing to clear blocks that still stop us from advancing, letting go of the past, of the things that do not serve us any more. Let us go forward in confidence, knowing that all is very well and trusting our inner Divine Truth. Change is in the air. All the old institutions dont seem to work anymore and show us that they have come to the end, since they are not serving the common good any more. All the corruption is coming to the light and cannot be hidden any longer. Meanwhile, there are so many of us all over the world working for the highest best, taking over the tasks that the politicians don't perform any more. Yet, we are not in the ordinary media, and that is why there are no statistics about numbers.
It is happening everywhere, though, and there are millions and millions of us, creating the new golden age where nothing will be the same anymore. No more money, no more hierarchy, free energy, clean air, no more pollution. Let us be conscious of the fact that we are all in this together, all citizens of the same planet, all of the same family, all one, in unity with all of life, and that we are all connected to everything, no matter where we are in the world. Let us all get together, take responsability, be conscious of all our thoughts and actions, be the love, be the peace, be the light and the joy, be the compassion and be in gratitude and appreciation for all the good things happening in our lives and see the Divinity in all and everything, the greater consciousness behind it all. In this way we create the new, that we have been waiting for and have visualised and worked for all this time.
Do not let yourselves be drawn into the fear energy that the "normal" media are sharing so much and know that it is all up to us which belief systems we choose to follow. If you are in fear, you are living in the future, if you feel guilty, you are in the past. And if we all decided to be in the present moment where all is very well ? And I would like to remind you of the four agreements: 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don’t take anything personally. 3. Don’t make assumptions. 4. Always do your best. ” don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
In this spirit I wish you a happy Christmas season with your family and friends and a magical, miraculous and healthy New Year filled with only the highest aspirations of
Love, Peace and Joy. Let celebration of life be the order of the day.
PS. Next events for those who live near by: Brussels at my home - sharing and meditation on Monday 17 december 2018 at 7 pm and 14 January 2019 at 7 pm in French, 5 €, and a morning walk in the new year at the Parc of Chateau de la Hulpe to the master tree of the forest there, an ancient oak, on Sunday 6 January 2019 at 10 am meeting at the main entrance chaussée de la Hulpe, and sharing and meditation at Herstael near Liège in French at Stefania Pastecchia, Rue Haute Préalle 178, 4040 Herstael 0496.395035, on Sunday 3 pm 16 December and 14 January, 5 €