lundi 25 septembre 2017

The Grand Awakening - a Positive Insight & Time (from Jasmuheen and Anjie)


Welcome to our latest news - yes it is unusual for us to send our 2 newsletters in 2 months but something is happening and many can feel it! Something strong is unfolding, yet there is no matrix to tune to re this as it is a global co-creation, with many more coming together in clarity regarding how we wish to be together on Earth; playing the very limited but highly mesmerising 'me, me' me game' or moving even deeper collectively into the more unified, more Grace-filled game of the 'we'!

As I write this, The Global Citizen Festival is beaming out from Central Park in New York, with a variety of inspirational messages, music and messengers. The energy it has just been adding to the Unified fields is electrifying and you can a see a video on this here.   

Despite what appears to be chaotic times for some, people are gathering all around our world, they are coming into clarity and they are becoming stronger regarding what they would like to see unfolding in our world and this is stimulating a strong quantum response.

At the same time we have the small vortex being created between US President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un, which has perhaps resulted in a lot more U.F.O. activity and sightings. None of this 'threatening talk' between these leaders is a problem as is shown in the "Unacknowledged" documentary, as our Intergalactic friends can diffuse all of this quickly if required, as our choices on Earth will not be allowed to have negative fallout on a universal level. Yet is is our planet and our inter-dimensional friends trust that we can make the right choices, they know, like we all do, that what we each vibrate has a huge impact and the fields as we know - so vibrating the love and compassion of our Pure nature is the best thing we can do!   

We know that some of you on our mailing list are not interested in the Matrix of Beings of Light and knowing our Intergalactic Kin but for those of you interested, this topic will be strong in this issue, as all sources are now confirming our intuitive knowing that we have now merged deeper with the unified realms than ever before and all the chaos just reflects this merge.

Personally, first came the inner push for me to complete and offer our Pranic People research freely to all, next came the push to create a very clear auto-biography in a brief video we call "Jasmuheen revealed"; and then came the strong inner call to add more data to our Youtube Playlist that we have called "Contact - our ET friends, UFO's, telepathy, Earth's future and more"; however in this series we are adding additional levels to what Dr Steven Greer has released on Netflix with his "Unacknowleged" movie (see his Youtube trailer.)

Our last newsletter had a number of people saying, how can we proclaim the Golden Age is here when there is still so much suffering in our world, so for these ones we share the new Red Dot Zone & The Golden Age movie at this link  where we offer a higher perspective on the zones of chaos in our world and how everything naturally comes up for rebalance at the start of a Golden Age time, so things are not what they seem. Then you might like to watch our new "Grand Awakening" video insight that flows on from this - you can see more re this below as it is quite an unusual message from our Light Being friends. 

I love being home as you know, I also love still being active and beaming into places via Skype as I did with the Openmind Festival in Spain this last week. The following message on "Recoding deeper into personal & global unity zones ... heart sharing about life, my background and so much more, including promoting the importance of open minds and hearts!" was what came through ... to view this click here ...

Finally, in a few days, I am off to India, then Taiwan then soon after that Brazil then back to China to do our wonderful Sacred Art Retreat! As usual you can see the link to our tour schedule below and of course we would love to see you there with us, for it is so different to be in the energy field we co-create in each gathering compared to the way we are connecting now - smiles.
This is Jasmuheen sharing all the love, all the light, all the wisdom that comes from my heart and my core, with you all.

Biggest hugs to you all - Jasmuheen and Anjie ...

(The original can be found here)