mardi 12 septembre 2017

Dates for our meetings in the next few months in Brussels and Liège.

Dear friends,

It  looks like we are in autumn now, the leaves are changing colours and fall to the ground, the days are getting shorter and the temperatures are going down. I hope you enjoyed your holidays and found moments of silence in nature by yourselves and also celebrated good times with family without the daily stress. Did you also stock some of the warmth of summer in your heart for the colder  days? I was in Brussels most of the time and took advantage of the more relaxed summer climate in traffic, more parking spaces, people sitting on the terraces of restaurants and bars, lunch time concerts in various locations. And I spent a week in Hamburg with my family which was filled with outings to the Baltic Sea, a barefoot park in the  countryside, inviting us to feel and listen to  and appreciate nature in all its beauty walking barefoot on different grounds. A great experience for the children and the adults. And  we also discovered new things in the city mostly in sunshine. I find it so important to spend time with those I love best and with whom I have been together for such a long time  and  probably also in past lives. For me who lives on my own most of the time it was intense and unusual.  But taking out the dog for a brisk walk of one hour every day at 6.30 am gave  me my hour of silence in nature and allowed my to enjoy family life for the rest of the day. It is thanks to my sister that I inherited such a warm-hearted big family that I love and for whom I am their elder.

Where are we with the outer world at the moment? The big meteorological movements, like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, forest fires etc. could fill us with anxiety and fears, if we did not have our spiritual path in life and all the wisdom of the old indigenous populations confirming that we are on the way to a new Golden Age, where everything will be different, not like anything our planet has  experienced before in human history. No more wars or conflicts between different countries, religions, belief systems, no more pursuit of money or material things, no more pollution, welcome to the clean energies, to unity with all, peace and solidarity, working for the highest best of all, healthy food a  new quantic science proving that everything is connected with everything! And all this is only possible thanks to the energy  of LOVE - COMPASSION, the strongest energy in the world which is also at the basis of all religions, of all human life, even fauna and flora on our planet and of the Universe. And of course, it is part of our spiritual teachings, our path in consciousness which considers everything as sacred and divine, including equality between the sexes in all areas, celebrating life and putting us all on the same level. No more bosses  and subordinates, even in politics and the corporate world.  It is all working together for the highest good of all. It is paradise on earth ! And can you believe it, can  you imagine it? Do you realise that we are almost there already?   We have indeed been working for this for ages, in  order to contribute to the elevation of human consciousness which has increased so much in the last couple of years. Or do you still believe in what the conventional media are telling us, suggesting that we are going towards the end of the world, Are you in fear? Do you know that 95% of the population is already creating this Golden Age ? If you ask people whether they want war or peace, 95 % are going to choose peace. Therefore, all is very well, and the media are indeed only serving those last 5 %. As I travel a lot around the world I know  about all these  magnificent projects being realised everywhere. There  is also integrative medecine, where conventional and alternative methods are working together and which already helps a lot of people to get out of the system of drugs etc. And lots of things are also happening in the corporate world and in science where  more efficient procedures are developed to create the new. Education is still lagging behind a bit, but  it will all come together. The new generations  will push the old ones to go forward. 

As our planet Gaia is in the process of cleansing - with water, air and fire - and many people have lost their homes  and  everything else in these violent natural "disasters", many are obliged to create a new life for themselves and their families. And  we all have to do the  same, let go of all that does not serve us anymore,  also in our heads, our thought processes.  Let us go forward and stay in the present moment at the same time, choosing our path in consciousness, focalising on what unites us instead of  what is separating us. And also the refugees are around all of us for a reason,  teaching us to live all together as one family on one planet in peace and kindness, independent of our origins. 

Jasmuheen has just published a very good video on UTube about the Golden Age, in English. But it will soon come  out  with subtitles in other languages. I have  just sent her the French translation.

Oh, this has become quite  a  long story, so  lets go to the dates for our meetings in the next few months  in Brussels and Liège.

Liège at 
Stefania Pastechia's place (0496395035)
Rue Haute Préalle 178,
4040 Herstal 
on Sundays 17 September 2017 at 3 pm,
8 October 2017,
19 November and
17 Décembre.  
5 €

Brussels at my place, +32.26729684 or 0486.961422,
Drève de la Brise 8/2
1170 Bruxelles
Mondays at 7 pm 18 Septembre,
9 October,
20 November and
18 December.
5 € 

I also wanted to say that I am always available for individual sessions or to guide you through a  Game of Transformation. 

Meanwhile I am looking forward to see you at one or the other meeting and encourage you to stay strong in these critical times and remain aligned with your Divine One Within. That is the most
important thing, to take time  for meditation and reflection in order to stabilise yourself, because all the past references don't work any more, and we have to go inside to our heart and listen  to the first intuition. The second intuition is often already the mind interfering because it does not want to lose control. You better listen only to the first one.

Love, peace and joy