jeudi 6 février 2014

Info letter February 2014

Dear friends,

It is about time to write another newsletter to you. I hope you started the year well, with good intentions? Not to let your life be governed by stress anymore, to leave yourself moments of peace and quiet with yourself, take care of your soul, listen to its call to go within, spend time in silence in nature to regenerate yourself? Stop wanting to save the world since you can't do it on your own anyway?

Of course, we have some responsibilities towards cleaning our planet, but not at the risk of our health. Lets see where we are called. First of all it is important to find our own balance, to be in harmony with ourselves, live our truth, not to play games any more, not to lye, not criticize the others or the circumstances. What can we do to make ourselves happy? And realize that the only thing we can change is our attitude towards what is going on and understand that there is neither good nor bad, it simply is what it is. And we are never victims. Never react, but act. Know that everyone lives in their own kingdom and that we do not have access to the others nor they to ours, unless we communicate. But we cannot know what the other person thinks nor how they create their life. Lets stop thinking we know what is good for the others, what they should do. That is not our business.

What we can do is see the Divine in everyone and everything, use "Namaste" - my Divine within greets the Divine within you. And we can be grateful for all the good things that happen to us all the time, be open to nature, appreciate its beauty, the sunsets, the flowers, the animals, the clouds... And the more we are grateful the more the univers gives to us. See all the good things of life like music, magic, creativity in general, and radiate love, the most powerful energy in the universe.

Most important for me are human relationships. Put order into them, explore our hearts to see what is right, how far we can go without sacrificing or destroying ourselves. There is this little monkey in our head that always tells us we are not doing enough, that we don't deserve, that we need to feel guilty ... etc. We can thank him for his services and tell him that he is not the master of our life, and that we now follow our heart which is 100 times stronger than him. And each time you are in doubt who speaks to you, go into your heart and see whether it is happy and singing. That is the criterium. And lets live our truth, our integrity, not play games because we think we need to please someone. When we are authentic we are convincing.

And above all we can leave all the old paradigms behind. Nothing is like before any more, everything is changing and is in transition toward a new world like we have never seen it before. We cannot know how it will be, but we can be assured it will be for the highest best of all and our contribution can be to keep the vision of how we would like it to be. There are so many initiatives all over the world for more solidarity, for helping each other, creating vegetable gardens together, exchange networks, complementary currencies, ecovillages and so on. It is amazing. Go to the website TED where you will find lots of UTubes about all these things, just amazing. I am filled with enthusiasm about all this and so grateful to be alive now and be able to participate. Stop the belief that the world will never change and there is all that doom and groom, like the media show us. The old belief systems need to be overcome, and if we stay whithin them we will attract more of it. But if we change into positive we get more of it. What we think happens to us. There is our responsibility!

I also recommend you to read Kryon's book 13 "The Recalibration of Humanity" - 2013 and beyond. For those who do not know who Kryon is: a loving angelic energy, and Lee Carroll is the "original" Kryon channel for more than two decades. The loving information from this partnership has sustained many and explained much about our changing times. This book represents some of the most profound and direct instructions yet on what is happening on the planet. I have read a number of his books and always agreed with his message, and I have met Lee Carroll during my adventure with the Lemurian Compassion Choir on December 21, 2012, on the island of Maui, Hawaii and again last year in Mexico where he channelled for us both times and also like his simplicity and humility.

And here is the agenda of the activities that I organise. Please not in your agenda right away: There are the meetings of the Monday group that already finished the Pathways of Peace Manual and the Essence Manual, that are combined now into one, and has become an experimental group of sharing and meditation, also open to contributions from the members, including some music. The next meetings are February 10, March 10, April 14, May 26 and June 30 at 7.30pm at my place.
Next is the Wednesday group, also once a month, working with the manual Pathways of Peace and Essence, which has its next meetings on February 19, March 19, April 16, May 28 and June 25 at 7 pm also at my place.
Watch out for both groups some dates have changed compared to the original dates indicated in September. The fee for both groups is 5 € per evening.
I will also start a new group of the Pathways of Peace and Essence in Liège, starting on Sunday, February 9 at 3 pm. For the venue please address yourself to Florine Tomas, my organiser in Liège who will give you the address, Thomas Florine <>. The next dates are not fixed yet.

I would like to invite you to a small concert at my home on Saturday 8 March at 7 pm, which will be given by Tristan Driessen, a young Belgian musician playing the oud, a beautiful Turkish instrument, whom I really like very much and who has already received several prizes for his lovely music. Please register with me, since the space is limited. You will not be disappointed!

Another new activity which I want to offer you are Qi Gong classes given by Jean-Michel Vandergoten whom I had already mentioned in my last newsletter. I really like his way of teaching and it is similar to what we know from the DVD with the Chinese monk from Shaolin which we used during Jasmuheen's retreats. We shall start first at my place on Thursday 6 February at 7 pm until about 8.30 pm and according to numbers we may look for another venue. The fee is 10 €. Please, let me know whether you want to come.

And of course, I am still available to focalise the Game of Transformation or for individual consultations.

And finally, I have the pleasure to invite you to Jasmuheen's first Embassy of Peace retreat that she had spoken about last year during her retreat in Belgium. Here is the text she sent me.

Feel like a holiday with a higher purpose? As you may be aware, Jasmuheen is holding her first Embassy of Peace retreat in the wonderful environment of Cancun in Mexico - exact dates 13th - 18th May, 2014. Here is a link to her website with the initial data on this -
or if you prefer, here is a link to a PDF file that goes deeper into the details of this retreat -
You may also enjoy the article that Jasmuheen recently posted there called
THE PURE LOVE CHANNEL AND ITS TEMPLATES OF PERFECTION which you can read at this link now -

As much as we would love to say that there will be translators there for all the different languages, at this stage there will just be Jasmuheen in English and also a translator for Spanish but if enough people wish to come from our country then we may be able to arrange this amongst ourselves from those coming from our network.

Please let me know directly if you are interested in coming so we can co-ordinate a group from our country. As we all know when we are meant to be somewhere it seems the quantum field provides a clear path to get there especially re time and money and I love how this happens ... please note that we are also still downloading the complete program content but the main thing is that it will enable our affiliates a chance to share some of our beautiful programs with others in the world by providing them with fabulous effective tools and data and much more ...

Looking forward to hear from you or see you at one of the events mentioned.
Love, Peace and Joy