samedi 28 janvier 2012

returning to Belgium in 2012, after some years of absence, with

the ingredients to promote Personal and Planetary Peace

One of the most fulfilling journeys a soul can make while  anchored in the plane of duality is awareness of, and full reconnection and perfect union with their I AM essence. Yet unity consciousness allows us to feel-sense that essence as being everywhere, within and  around us, part of the very fabric of creation - like the  baseline frequency of life. Apart from being able to nourish us physically via its cosmic micro-food flow, it also aligns us to a rhythm of such peace and contentment that we find ourselves forever transformed. Its  ability to love, guide, heal and nourish us completely, is natural yet profound. It reveals itself in its own way, in its own time, when the energy streams can match it within us and around us, and  yet we are never separate from it, it is always there, just its volume alters, the strength or subtlety with which it flows. 

There will be a conference/mini-workshop on Wednesday, 16 May, 2012 from 6 to 10 p.m. in Brussels (place to be confirmed), fee  33 € and
an Intensive Residential Retreat from Thursday 17 May 2012, 11 a.m. until Sunday 20 May 2012, 5 p.m. at the Centre Radhadesh, Petite Somme 5, 6940 Septon (Durbuy). Fee 440€, plus cost of lodging and food.

Information and Registration:
Erika  Witthuhn + Drève de la  Brise 8/2, 1170 Brussels +
tel. 02.6605693 or 0486.961422, mail:
Katheline Bouchery, tél. 0497.258981, mail: